Set-Up Manual for Sump Model
Sensor Input: Isolated input accepts any type of 4-20 mA process signal. Loop power available up to
24VDC for 2 wire device
Input Power: 120VAC/900 mA; 24VDC unregulated/450 mA
Security Levels: 3 levels of access protect data changes with DIP switch on back
Control Circuits: Four Form C relays, 10.0 amp 125VAC (noninductive)
Switching Mode: Selectable, NO or NC states
Output & Input Connections: Terminal Connections are plug in Phoenix type
Programmed Memory: EEPROM - Loss of power will not affect existing programmed data
Mounting Format: Flush mounted anodized steel enclosure with eight (8) 10/32 studs and sealing
gasket; NEMA 4 graphic front panel; steel back pan housing.
Overall Dimensions: Tall: 16.75” (425 mm), Wide: 10.25” (250mm), Deep 2.25” (57mm),
Weight: 4.5 kg (10 lbs.)
LVCN-302 is a solid-state controller with a variety of unique control and display features. It’s designed to
simply present the crucial information, at a glance. It’s built to perform in all types of harsh industrial
environments as well as control alarms, pumps, solenoids, etc.
Topics covered in this manual
Displaying Your Tank’s Cross-Section
Security Levels / Select and Enter Data
Initial Set-Up / Eight Simple Steps
Sensor Connections / Schematics
Sending a 4-20 mA Signal to Other Devices
Security Levels / Selecting and Accessing Data
Operator access to data modifications has three modes of security: View Only, Set Point
Changes Allowed and Programming. Each mode is selected from the back of the unit with a DIP
switch setting.
Programming Mode
This mode, #1 ON, allows you to
change all eight programmable
settings. It is used for initial set-up
and installation.
Set Point Changes Allowed
This mode, #2 ON, allows you to
change all four set points: the High &
Low Alarms, Make-up ON & Make-up
View Only Mode
This mode, ALL OFF, prevents any
changes from being made. However,
all the information, except the
transducer range and transducer
offset, is available
by pressing SELECT.
Output & Input Terminal Connections
(All terminal connections are plug in Phoenix type)
120 VAC
Power Supply
Sensor Input
4. 4-20 mA (-)
Output Terminals
12. High Level N.C.
11. High Level Com
10. High Level N.O.
9. Sump ON N.C.
8. Sump ON Com
7. Sump ON N.O.
6. Low Level N.C.
5. Low Level Com
4. Low Level N.O.
3. Sump ON N.C.
2. Sump ON Com
1. Sump ON N.O.
Power Supply
3. 120 VAC - Com.
2. Ground
3. 4-20 mA (+)
1. 120 VAC - Hot
2. Ground
1. + 24 VDC Output
24 Volt DC
Power Supply
NOTE: Terminal #1
provides power for
loop powered sensors.
Power Supply
3. 24 VDC - Neg (-)
2. Ground
#1-#3 Sump range
operates at same level
as #7-#9. Condiser it a
spare Form C sump
1. 24 VDC - Pos (+)
Initial Set-Up in Eight Easy Steps
The initial set-up requires you to change the DIP switch to Programming Mode, #1
ON. After the initial set-up, select the DIP switch settings for View Mode or Set
Point Changes Allowed. (More detail on Page 3.) Holding down the INCREASE or
DECREASE arrow for 3 seconds increases the scrolling speed of the numbers on
the display.
1. - Setting the Transducer Range Press the SELECT button on the graphic face - RANG
will appear in the display. A few seconds later, the display will convert to R___. The
Transducer Range of the input device needs to be entered, using the INCREASE or
DECREASE arrow. The Transducer Range is determined by the manufacturer of the device. It is
printed on the device, typically in either psi, inches of water or inches mercury. It is not the
height of the tank you are controlling.
For example: if you want to display a 120” tank of water in inches and have a transducer that has
a manufacturer’s range of 0-5 psi, you would use the following formula:
(5.0 psi water) (27.7 inches)
( Note: 1psi water = 27.7” )
= 138.5 inches
1.0 specific gravity of water
2. - Setting Offset / Transducer Height Press the SELECT button again and OFSTwill
appear in the display. A few seconds later, the display will convert to L___. Enter the
Transducer Height by pressing the INCREASE or DECREASE arrow. Transducer Height is the
location of the transducer from the bottom of the tank, or if you are using a bubbler it is to the
bottom of the bubbler stand pipe.
3. - Selecting the Upper Cross-Section Press the SELECT button again - the Upper Limit
small numeric window display will begin to flash and the main display will convert to P___. The
Upper Limit display level needs to be entered, using the INCREASE or DECREASE arrow. This is
the “window” or cross-section of the tank you want to see displayed on the vertical bar display. It is
not a control or alarm level.
This is one of the unique features of LVCN-302. You can select to display any portion of the height
of your tank. For example: Suppose you have a 120” tall tank that you want to control. Filters and
pumps occupy the bottom 50 inches, and you don’t want the level to ever go above 105”. At the
same time, you want to display the crucial operating range of your tank, including make-up levels,
high/low alarms and the actual level. To select the highest resolution of this crucial range on the
bar display, you would enter the Upper Limit P___ at 110” and the Lower Limit P___ at 50”.
You can select to display any cross-section you require for the installation.
4. - Selecting the Lower Cross-Section Press the SELECT button again - the Lower Limit
small numeric window display will begin to flash and the main display will convert to P___. The
Lower Limit display level needs to be entered, using the INCREASE or DECREASE arrow. This is
the window or cross-section of the tank you want to see on the bar graph display. It is not a control
or alarm level. (See the above For example.)
NOTE: The previous four steps are protected from data changes when you choose
either one of the other security modes. The next four steps are accessible to changes in
either the Programming Mode (at the initial set-up) or with Set Point Changes Allowed
mode selected.
5. - Entering the High Alarm Level Press the SELECT button again - the High Level Alarm Point
indicator LED on the graphic face and the top RED line in the bar graph display will flash. P___appears
in the display. Enter the level, using the INCREASE or DECREASE arrow to set the desired level. When
this point or level is reached, it will indicate a High Level Alarm has been reached and activate the control
circuit/device you have designed into your system.
6. - Entering the Sump ON Level Press the SELECT button again - the yellow Sump ON indicator
LED will flash along with the YELLOW line in the bar graph. P___ appears in the display. Enter the
level, using the INCREASE or DECREASE arrow to set the desired Sump ON level. When this point or
level is reached, LVCN-302 will deactivate the differential output relay to the control circuit/
device you have designed into your system.
7. - Entering the Sump OFF Level Press the SELECT button again - the Sump OFF indicator LED
and the ORANGE line in the bar graph will flash. P___ appears in the display. Enter the Sump OFF
level, using the INCREASE or DECREASE arrows. When this point or level is reached, LVCN-302 will
activate the differential output(s) to the control circuit/device you have designed into your system.
8. - Entering the Low Alarm Level Press the SELECT button again - the Low Level Alarm Point
indicator LED on the graphic face and the top RED line in the bar graph display will flash. P___appears
in the display. Enter the Low Alarm Level, using the INCREASE or DECREASE arrow. When this point or
level is reached, it will indicate a Low Level Alarm has been reached and activate the control circuit/device
you have designed into your system.
Sensor Input Connections / Schematics
Signal Power Supplied by LVCN-302 (Loop Powered)
Typical Form-C Relay Connection
12. High Level N.C.
11. High Level Com
10. High Level N.O.
9. Sump ON N.C.
8. Sump ON Com
7. Sump ON N.O.
6. Low Level N.C.
5. Low Level Com
4. Low Level N.O.
3. Sump ON N.C.
2. Sump ON Com
1. Sump ON N.O.
4. 4-20 mA (
3. 4-20 mA (
2. Ground
Jumper #4 to #2
4-20mA ( +)
Form - C
10.0 Amp @ 120 VAC
Level Input
1. + 24 VDC Out
+24 VDC Output
Relay operates at
same level as #7-#9.
Consider it a spare
Form C sump relay.
Sensor Input
Sending 4-20ma Signal to Other Devices
Signal Power Supplied by Other Source
Sensor Input
4. 4-20 mA (
3. 4-20 mA (
2. Ground
Sensor Device
4. 4-20 mA (
3. 4-20 mA (
2. Ground
Level Input
1. + 24 VDC Out
1. + 24 VDC Out
Sensor Input
Sensor Input
Other Helpful Features of LVCN-302
Interrupted 4-20 mA Signal from Sensor
Whenever the 4-20 mA signal from the sensor device
is lost because of an open wire or device malfunction,
an ERR3 message is displayed in the Actual Liquid
Level window. Additionally, the entire bar display will
flash red and green.
Over &/or Under 4-20 mA signal received
When the input sensor is sending a 4.0 mA signal, the
Actual Liquid Level display will show a \/ character in
the first digit of the display.
Actual Liquid Level
Actual Liquid Level
Process Signal
Process Signal
Input is 20.0 mA
Input is 4.0 mA, but
not an open wire.
See above for open wire
Software Version Numbers
The version number of your LVCN-302 unit is
shown in the Actual Liquid Level display window
when you power up the unit. If your unit has
version 2.8, you will see in the window LV 2.8
Programmed data cannot be lost
All the data and logic are written to a permanent
EEPROM, which will retain your data in the
event the power supply is disconnected. There
is no battery on the board to maintain the
data in the EEPROM.
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The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA Engineering, Inc. accepts
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WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, patient-connected applications.
OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of
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If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return
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OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor
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OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the latest in technology and engineering.
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