ATI Technologies Home Theater System 137 40188 60 User Manual |
ATI Multimedia Center 7.1
User’s Guide
Version 6.0
P/N 137-40188-60 Rev. F
© Copyright 2000, by ATI Technologies Inc.
All rights reserved, including those to reproduce this guide or parts thereof, in any form without
the express written permission of ATI Technologies Inc.
Features and specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks and/or registered
trademarks are the properties of their respective owners:
RADEON VE – ATI Technologies Inc.; Athlon – Advanced Micro Devices Inc.;
CDDB – Escient; Windows – Microsoft Corp.; GuidePlus+ – Gemstar Technology Development
Limited; HydraVision – Appian Graphics; Pentium, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium with MMX
Technology – Intel Corporation.
Starting ATI Multimedia Center.................................................................... 8
Attaching and Detaching Panels.................................................................... 9
Online Help.................................................................................................. 10
TV .................................................................................................... 11
Video-In................................................................................................ 12
Setting up TV ...................................................................................... 13
TV Control menu.................................................................................. 15
TV display settings............................................................................... 16
TV video settings.................................................................................. 17
TV Tuner settings................................................................................. 18
TV Stills Gallery settings ..................................................................... 21
TV Schedule settings............................................................................ 21
ATI TV Bar .......................................................................................... 22
Channel Surfing.................................................................................... 23
Closed Captioning ................................................................................ 24
Hot Words™ ........................................................................................ 26
TV Magazine........................................................................................ 28
Secondary Audio Program (SAP) ........................................................ 30
Video Desktop...................................................................................... 31
Program Lockout.................................................................................. 32
Parental Control.................................................................................... 33
Capturing Video and still images ......................................................... 34
Digital VCR ..................................................................................... 39
Saving and compressing captured video .............................................. 39
Digital VCR settings ............................................................................ 40
Achieving the best results with MPEG video capture.......................... 42
TV Listings...................................................................................... 44
Setting up TV Listings ......................................................................... 45
Getting around...................................................................................... 46
Recording ............................................................................................. 46
Viewing ................................................................................................ 47
Views.................................................................................................... 47
Filter options......................................................................................... 48
Actors tab ............................................................................................. 48
Categories tab....................................................................................... 49
Searches................................................................................................ 49
Favorite search ..................................................................................... 49
Movies tab............................................................................................ 50
Schedules tab........................................................................................ 51
Searches tab.......................................................................................... 51
Sports tab.............................................................................................. 53
Stations tab ........................................................................................... 53
Titles tab............................................................................................... 54
Days and dates...................................................................................... 54
Stills Gallery ................................................................................... 55
Stills Gallery settings............................................................................ 55
CD Audio......................................................................................... 57
CD Audio settings ................................................................................ 58
CD Database......................................................................................... 59
CD Audio Schedule settings................................................................. 60
Video CD......................................................................................... 61
Capturing still frames from Video CDs ............................................... 63
Zooming and Panning .......................................................................... 63
Video CD Preferences settings............................................................. 65
DVD ................................................................................................. 67
What can I play on my DVD drive?..................................................... 68
Full-screen controls .............................................................................. 68
Setting up sub-titles.............................................................................. 69
Using the menus ................................................................................... 70
Searching DVD disks ........................................................................... 70
Selecting viewing angle........................................................................ 70
Parental Control.................................................................................... 71
Zooming and Panning .......................................................................... 71
DVD Control menu .............................................................................. 72
DVD display settings............................................................................ 73
DVD Preferences settings .................................................................... 74
DVD Video settings ............................................................................. 75
DVD Closed Captioning ...................................................................... 75
DVD Schedule settings ........................................................................ 76
Region codes ........................................................................................ 77
File Player....................................................................................... 78
Zooming and Panning .......................................................................... 80
File Player Display settings.................................................................. 81
File Player Schedule settings................................................................ 82
Schedule......................................................................................... 83
Schedule settings ................................................................................. 84
TV Out ............................................................................................. 85
Multi-monitor support.................................................................... 86
Teletext ........................................................................................... 86
Troubleshooting............................................................................. 87
Audio problems ... ................................................................................ 87
Video problems ... ............................................................................... 91
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Index - 1
Using Your
ATI Multimedia Center
This chapter explains how to use the special features that your
ATI Multimedia Center offers. The Multimedia Center is a suite
of products that provides TV, Video CD, CD Audio, DVD, and
File Player in one package.
Because North American and European television use different
broadcast standards, closed-captioning and related features are
available only in North America.
Starting ATI Multimedia
Center on page 8
TV on page 11
ATI TV Bar on page 22
Digital VCR on page 39
TV Listings on page 44
Stills Gallery on page 55
CD Audio on page 57
Video CD on page 61
DVD on page 67
File Player on page 78
Schedule on page 83
TV Out on page 85
Multi-monitor support on
page 86
Teletext on page 86
Troubleshooting on page 87
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Starting ATI Multimedia Center
Starting from LaunchPad
The LaunchPad provides a convenient way to start all your
Multimedia Center features — just click the feature you want.
LaunchPad opens automatically when you start your computer,
or if you prefer, you can right-click LaunchPad, and uncheck
Load on Startup in the drop-down menu.
• To dock LaunchPad, right-click it, then click Dock in the
menu. To change the docking position, right-click
LaunchPad while it is docked, point to Side , then choose a
• To change the size of the LaunchPad when it is not docked,
double-click it or right-click it, and choose a size.
The buttons in the upper right of LaunchPad let you access your
desktop settings, get Help, and close LaunchPad. If your
system does not have a TV tuner, Video In appears in place of
TV in the LaunchPad.
TV, DVD, Video CD, and File Player use some of the
same resources. If you try to start one of these
features while another is running, a resource conflict
message appears. You have four choices:
Run both features with reduced performance,
where possible.
Suspend the first feature while the other is active.
Close the first feature.
Press Cancel to continue without starting the
second feature.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Starting from Windows taskbar
In the Windows taskbar, click Start.
Point at Programs
Point at ATI Multimedia Center
Click CD Audio, DVD, LaunchPad, File Player, TV, or
Video CD.
For information about using the ATI Multimedia Center
features, see the online help.
Attaching and Detaching Panels
You can detach the DVD, Video CD, TV, CD Audio, and File
Player, control panels from their display panels, move them to
any location on your screen, and re-attach them.
To detach a panel
Move the cursor to the border of the panel you want to detach.
As the cursor reaches the border, it changes to the detach
symbol. Click the panel, and drag it away.
To attach a panel
Drag a panel to the panel you want to attach until its outline
changes, then release the mouse button. The panels will snap
back together.
10 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Online Help
Feature Help. Click the Help button in any display panel to
open the online help.
Context-Sensitive Help. Context-sensitive help is always
available for each feature; just press the F1 key.
Tool Tips. Simply move the mouse cursor over a control to see
a description of its purpose. As you become familiar with your
ATI Multimedia Center, you may want to turn off Tool Tips —
click the Show Tool Tips checkbox in the Display tab (for more
information, see TV display settings on page 16).
ATI Desktop Help. For help on your ATI video card’s graphics
features, double-click the ATI icon in the lower-right corner of
your screen.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 11
Watch Television on your
computer! You can
receive up to 125 cable
television channels and 70
antenna channels in
smooth, full-motion video
on the whole screen or in
a window.
TV delivers advanced
features: Closed
Captioning, Video/Still
Capture, Channel Surfing,
Scheduled Events, TV
Listings, Parental Control, and more.
When you click the logo in the upper left corner of the display
panel, the “About...” notice appears. If you have more than one
feature installed, a Task menu displays available and active
For information about using TV controls, see the online help
and Tool Tips.
All channels may not be available in all countries.
Not all TV features are available with Video-In
12 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
To start TV
from LaunchPad
Click TV in the Launchpad. For information on LaunchPad,
see page 8.
from Windows® taskbar
In the Windows taskbar, click Start, then point at
Point at ATI Multimedia Center , then click TV.
You can also start TV from other Multimedia Center
features installed on your system—DVD, Video CD,
CD Audio, and File Player. Click the ATI logo in the upper left
corner of the feature’s control panel, then click TV.
If there is no TV tuner in your
computer system, a small
control panel with controls
for composite input is
provided for capturing video from external video sources.
If you have a Video-In card, the following dialogs and
features are unavailable:
TV Tuner settings (see page 18.)
Channel Surfing (see page 23.)
TV-on-Demand (see page 36.)
Program Lockout (see page 32.)
Parental Control (see page 33.)
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 13
Setting up TV
The first time you start TV, you must complete the Initialization
Wizard. After that, the Wizard will not run unless you want to
re-run it in order to change settings. The Initialization Wizard
guides you quickly and easily through setting up TV channels,
Parental Control, Sound, and TV-on-Demand.
If you have a Video-In card, only the Sound
Initialization Wizard is used.
TV-on-Demand is only available if your card
supports it.
Initialization Wizard
Click the Setup button, then click the Display tab.
Click the Initialization Wizard... button. The TV Channels
Initialization Wizard appears. Follow the Wizard’s instructions
to select cable or antenna, choose the broadcast standard, and to
scan for active channels.
• If you have TV Listings installed with its current database, it
will also add the channel name for each channel. For more
information see TV Listings on page 44.
Click Next >. The TV Parental Control Initialization Wizard
appears. Follow the Wizard’s instructions to set or change your
Parental Control password.
Passwords are optional.
Passwords are case-sensitive, and must be at
least three characters in length.
If you forget your password, you will have to
uninstall and reinstall your TV software.
Click Next >. The Sound Initialization Wizard appears. Follow
the Wizard’s instructions to set up your audio connection.
• If you do not hear TV audio, ensure that the TV is tuned to a
broadcasting channel, and that you have made the correct
audio connections. See Troubleshooting on page 87 for more
14 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Click Next >. The TV-on-Demand Initialization Wizard
appears. Follow the Wizard’s instructions to set up a temporary
file and allocate file space. Available time is indicated. The
Advanced Settings button lets you customize settings for
image quality and processor load.
Click Next >. The End of Initialization Wizard panel appears.
Click Finish to complete TV setup.
Sizing the TV display
You can resize the TV display using the mouse, the Maximize
button, or CTRL key combination.
• The F2 key hides/shows the control panel, to save desktop
To resize the TV display using the mouse
Drag the display’s border. The TV display maintains a fixed
aspect ratio (width-to-height) of 4:3 to avoid picture distortion.
To display TV in full-screen
Press CTRL+F or ALT+F, or click the Maximize button. To
return to the previous size, click
or press the Esc key.
To display preset sizes using the CTRL key
160 x120 pixels
240 x180 pixels
320 x240 pixels
640 x480 pixels
Toggle between full screen and
current size
Increase size of display panel
Decrease size of display panel
CTRL + Up Arrow
CTRL + Down Arrow
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 15
TV Control menu
You can access TV functions by right-clicking on the video
viewing area or the control panel. This is very useful in full-
screen mode. The following menu items are available:
Opens the TV setup page.
On Top
Displays TV on top of other applications.
Hides the TV Control panel.
Select zoom ratio (2x, 4x, or 8x) or Unzoom if already
zoomed. See Zooming and panning on page 30.
Indicates the sizes available for the current panel:
160 x 120
240 x 180
320 x 240
640 x 480
Full Screen
Specifies the video input:
TV Tuner
Composite Selects composite video input.
S-Video Selects S-Video input.
Selects TV Tuner input.
Sets the audio mode:
Displays closed captions
when audio is muted.
Enables stereo TV audio.
Enables monaural TV audio.
Enables the Secondary Audio Program.
Specifies how closed-captioned text is displayed. You
can also enable the Hot Words and TV Magazine
features. See Hot Words™ on page 26 and TV Magazine
on page 28.
Displays the About... dialog.
Closes TV.
16 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
TV display settings
The Display settings page lets you control how video is
displayed in TV.
To open the Display settings page
Click the Setup button in the TV control panel, then
click the Display tab.
Indicates the sizes available for the current panel. If the
current panel does not support resizing, the values are
Show Tool Tip
Show helpful aids for using TV when you point at a control
with your mouse.
Show Shortcut
Show keyboard shortcuts when you point at a control with
your mouse.
Video Desktop
When TV is minimized, TV display replaces your desktop
Fixed Aspect Ratio
Click to preserve the width-to-height ratio when you resize
or zoom the display.
Crop Edges
Crop image edges to hide overscan noise.
Always On Top
Auto Hide Controls when in full screen
Hide TV controls when displaying TV in full screen.
Specify a keyboard key that hides/displays TV.
Re-runs the Initialization Wizard. See Initialization Wizard
on page 13.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 17
TV video settings
The video settings page lets you choose a video connector and
fine-tune video characteristics.
To open the Video settings page
Click the Setup button in the Television control panel,
then click the Video tab.
Choose cable, composite or S-Video input.
If you choose Composite or S-Video, you must specify
the Broadcast Standard.
Choose the broadcast standard: NTSC, PAL, or SECAM.
Adjusts the amount of color in the image.
Adjust the amount of white in the image.
Adjusts the gradation of tones between light and dark
Adjusts the balance of red-to-blue in the image.
Tint is not adjustable for PAL or SECAM.
18 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
TV Tuner settings
The tuner settings page lets you autoscan for active TV
channels, choose cable or antenna input, name channels, and set
channel-specific options.
To open the Tuner settings page
Click the Setup button in the TV control panel, then
click the TV Tuner tab.
You can enter channel names
Select a channel, then click the Details... button to open
the Channel Property Details page (see Channel
Property Details on page 18).
Scans for all active TV channels, and stores them when
you click the Set button.
Selects the country and cable or antenna.
Channel Property Details
When you select a channel and then click the Details... button in
the TV Tuner settings page, the Channel Property Details page
opens to let you set properties for particular channels—favorites
list, channel assignment, and properties for audio, video,
program lockout, and closed captioning.
For example, in the Channel Specific Settings Video page, you
could change a channel to SECAM when the other channels are
(by default) PAL. In the Closed Captioning page you could
enable a set of Hot Words specifically for a particular channel.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 19
Type a name for the channel.
Displays the channel number.
Specify the TV station that is received when you tune to a
particular channel. For example, you could assign the
Autoscanning returns all channel assignments to normal
(see Autoscan on page 18).
Tunes to
Check to add the channel to the channels that TV
receives when you click the channel up/down buttons).
To remove a channel, uncheck it.
Channel in
Favorite List
Channel in
Selection List
Check to add the channel to the Visual Selection list (see
Channel Surfing on page 23). To remove a channel,
uncheck it.
Click Audio, then click Details... to open the Sound
details page.
Mute Settings
Uses global settings for
all channels.
Mute On
Mute Off
Mutes selected channel.
Cancels all muting.
SAP Settings
see Secondary Audio Program
(SAP) on page 23.
Uses global settings for
all channels.
that provide it.
Activates stereo audio for this
channel, if it provides it.
Activates monaural audio for
this channel.
Activates SAP for this channel.
20 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Click Video, then click Details... to open the Channel
Based Video Settings page. Move the sliders to change
the values
Amount of color in the image.
Balance of light and dark in
the image.
Gradation of tone between the
image’s highlights, midtones
and shadows.
Balance of red, green, and
blue in the image.
Broadcast Standard
Choose the broadcast standard for this channel.
Program Lockout
Click Program Lockout, then click Details... to open the
Program Lockout Settings page (see Program Lockout
on page 32).
Closed Captioning
Click Closed Captioning, then click open the
Closed Captioning Channel Settings page (see Closed
Captioning on page 24).
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 21
TV Stills Gallery settings
You can capture still images from TV, and save them in the
Stills Gallery.
To open the TV Stills Gallery settings page
Click the Setup button in the TV control panel, then
click the Stills Gallery tab. For information on the
Stills Gallery, see Stills Gallery on page 55.
TV Schedule settings
The Scheduler lets you set up TV to watch or record selected
TV programs at times you specify. If you have the features
installed, you can also schedule events for CD Audio, TV
Magazine, Digital VCR, and File Player.
To open the Schedule settings page
Click the Setup button in the TV control panel, click the
Schedule tab, then click the Create New button. The
Schedule Wizard will guide you through creating new
scheduled events. See Schedule on page 83 for details.
22 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Browse the Web and
watch TV at the same
time, without resizing
your windows! ATI TV
Bar displays TV in your
Internet Explorer Web
North American users can
also view a display of
channel names and
numbers, with continuously updated program information.
To open ATI TV Bar
Launch Internet Explorer.
In Explorer’s menu bar, click View , point to Explorer
Bar , then click ATI TV.
Or click the ATI TV button in Explorer’s menu bar.
• If TV is not running, ATI TV Bar opens it, and displays it in
the TV Bar. Closing ATI TV Bar also closes TV.
• If TV is running, it is displayed in TV Bar, and the regular
TV display disappears from your desktop. Closing TV Bar
returns TV to its normal display on your desktop.
• If you resize Explorer, the TV display automatically fits itself
to the new size.
ATI TV Bar controls
From left to right, the ATI
TV Bar controls are:
listings Explorer
Channel down, Channel
up, Volume, Mute, Go to
top, Page up, Page down, Pause scrolling, Favorites, and Help.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 23
Channel Surfing
You can browse through several
TV channels simultaneously,
and select channels by clicking
on “thumbnail” images
(miniature representations) of
the channels. Each thumbnail
displays the channel number,
and is regularly updated to
display the current program.
• If any channel in the selection list is a locked-out channel
(see Program Lockout on page 32), a password is required to
access it. If a password is not entered, only unlocked
channels are displayed.
• After an autoscan (see Autoscan on page 18), all detected
channels are included in the selection list. A magnifying
glass appears to the left of the lock-out icon. Click the
magnifying glass button to add or remove the channel from
the selection list.
• Most controls are disabled during Channel Surfing.
To use Channel Surfing
Click the Channel Surf button in the TV control
A grid of thumbnails appears over your TV display.
Click the thumbnail for the channel you want to preview.
The channel you clicked becomes “live”, and plays video
and audio for a few seconds.
To select a channel for viewing, double-click a thumbnail.
The grid of thumbnails disappears, and the selected
channel appears on your screen.
24 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Closed Captioning
Display closed captioned
text over video, like a
standard TV, and/or in a
separate window beside the
video. When you use the
separate window, you can
use the scroll bar to review
the last few minutes of text.
You can set the background color, the font, and the font color
for the window.
Note Closed-Captioning is only available in North America.
To display closed-captioned text
Click the Closed Caption button in the TV control panel.
To close the Closed Captioning window, click the Exit
Closed Caption settings
The Closed Caption settings page lets you specify how closed
captioned text is displayed—over video or in a window—and
the background color, the font, and the font color for the
window. You can also set up and enable the HotWords and TV
Magazine features.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 25
To set up closed captioning
Click the Setup button in the TV control panel, then
click the Closed Caption tab.
External Window
Displays closed captioned text in its own window. Click
Font... to select the display font.
Video Window
Displays closed captioned text superimposed on the
Solid Background
Displays closed captioned text on a solid background.
Shaded Background
Displays closed captioned text on a shaded background.
Check to enable HotWords when Closed Captioning is on
(see Hot Words™ on page 26).
HotWords Setup
Opens the HotWords settings page.
Activates TV Magazine (see TV Magazine on page 28.)
TV Magazine Setup
Opens the TV Magazine Setup Wizard.
On Mute
Display closed captioned text when the audio is muted.
If T1 mode closed captioned data is present in the
caption stream, checking this box displays a full page of
T1 mode, scrollable, closed captioned text. If you turn off
Closed Captioning or change channels, the page is
Text If
26 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Hot Words™
Have your computer watch TV for you! When you turn on
Closed Captioning, you can specify words and phrases that
Television will detect in the closed-captioned text.
You can set Hot Words to show the matched text, restore TV,
play a sound, enable TV Magazine, or enable the Digital VCR
when the Hot Words appear. You can also have TV
automatically transcribe the text when the specified words
You can enable Hot Words, and then minimize TV; when the
specified words occur, TV opens. You specify words using the
Hot Words setup button in the Closed Caption settings page.
Note Hot Words is only available in North America.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 27
To set up Hot Words
Click the Setup button in the Television control panel,
click Closed Caption, then click the HotWords Setup
button. The HotWords Setup Wizard opens.
To enable HotWords, check the Enable box. The HotWords
Setup Wizard will guide you through HotWords setup.
Type the first word to be matched.
Choose the type of match you want:
By Itself Notify when the First Word occurs.
Followed by Notify when the First Word occurs, and
is immediately followed by the Optional Word you
Not Followed By Notify when the First Word occurs,
if it is not immediately followed by the Optional Word.
In Sentence With Notify when the First Word
occurs, if it is in a sentence with the Optional Word.
Type the word you want to match with the First Word.
When you specify an Optional Word, the system only
looks for the First Word+Optional Word combination.
Check this box to notify when a part of the First Word
Use the Add and Remove buttons to add and remove words from the list.
Show Matched Text
Displays the text that matches your Hot Word(s).
Actions to take
when your
Restore Player
Opens Television in its current state.
Enable TV Magazine
Activates TV Magazine (see TV Magazine on page 28).
Enable Digital VCR
Activates the Digital VCR (see Digital VCR on page 39).
28 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
TV Magazine
Use TV Magazine to transcribe closed captioned broadcasting,
including pictures and text. You can save files as RTF (Rich
Text Format), which preserves formatting, and can be used in
many word processors, plain text (TXT), or Hypertext Markup
Language (HTML). You can use the Schedule feature to start
TV Magazine at dates and times you specify (see Schedule on
page 83).
TV Magazine is only available in North America.
When TV Magazine is enabled, it transcribes
closed-captioned text even if the Closed
Captioning button is off.
To start TV Magazine
Click the Setup button in the Television control panel,
click the Closed Caption tab, then click the TV
Magazine Setup button.
To enable TV Magazine, check the Enable box. The first time
you use TV Magazine, the TV Magazine Setup Wizard will
guide you through the setup.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 29
Type a name for the file.
Select a file format (RTF, TXT, or HTML).
Overwrite files
Check to overwrite existing files.
Uncheck to keep existing files.
Remove Advertising
Automatically skips commercial advertising when you
display or transcribe closed-captioned text. It works best
with programs that use scrolling transcripts rather than
“text bubbles” to record closed-captioned text; for
example: Talk shows, News broadcasts, Sports, and
Soap operas.
(Depending upon the closed-captioning format,
commercials may occasionally be recorded—a little
experimentation will show you how to get the best
Case Conversion
Convert all characters to upper or lower case.
Specify the number of minutes to transcribe.
No image
No images are saved.
Images on Left
Images are placed on the left, text on the right.
Images on Right
Images are placed on the right, text on the left.
Alternate images
Images and text alternate left and right.
Use black & white pictures
Save images as black & white, to save disk space.
Image Density
30 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Secondary Audio Program (SAP)
The Secondary Audio Program can be used to broadcast, for
example, language translations, reading services for the visually
impaired, weather forecasts, or information about a show.
Not all television stations broadcast stereo or
SAP is not available in Japanese versions of TV.
To hear the Secondary Audio Program
Right-click the Mute button in the Television control
panel, and click Sap in the drop-down menu.
You can also use the menu to:
• Turn on captions when the audio is muted.
• Switch from stereo to mono.
Zooming and panning
You can zoom in on the video in the Display panel to enlarge a
selected portion of the screen, and return your display to
normal. You can also pan (move the image horizontally and
vertically) in the zoomed area.
To zoom
Click within the display panel,
then hold down the mouse button
and draw a rectangle around the
area you want to zoom.
Or, right-click the 1:1 button
to open a menu where you can
set the zoom level— Zoom x2,
Zoom x4, or Zoom x8.
To pan in the zoomed area
Move your mouse within the zoomed area to pan horizontally or
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 31
To unzoom
Right-click in the display panel to open the control menu, point
at Zooming , then click Unzoom, or
Click the 1:1 button in the control panel.
Video Desktop
To replace your desktop pattern with live TV display
when you minimize TV
Click the Setup button in the Television control panel,
click the Display tab, then check Video Desktop.
When you minimize Television, live TV display
replaces your desktop.
A TV icon appears
in the “tray” on
the right side of
the Windows® taskbar.
Click the icon to display a small control panel that you can use
to change channels and control the volume. Closed-captioned
information is not displayed.
If you do not have a TV
tuner, this control panel
containing volume and
mute controls is available.
To restore your desktop pattern and TV
Click the TV button (or the Video button, if you have a Video-
In card) in the Windows® taskbar.
32 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Program Lockout
Program Lockout lets you block particular programs at specific
times, and set a password to unlock them. Use the Program
Lockout page to specify channel, time, and duration.
Passwords are case-sensitive. For example,
PASSWORD, Password, and passWord are not
the same.
If you forget your password, you must uninstall
and reinstall your TV software to view password-
protected programs.
To set program lockout
Click the Setup button in the Television control
panel, then click the TV Tuner tab.
Click the channel you want, then click the Details... button.
Click Program Lockout, then click the Details... button.
Click Create New.
The Program Lockout Wizard guides you through the
lockout procedure.
In the channel list, locked-out channels have a
padlock to the right of the channel name.
To remove program lockout
Click the Setup button in the Television control
panel, then click the TV Tuner tab.
Click the channel you want to unlock, then click the
Details... button.
Click Program Lockout, then click the Details... button.
Select the program you want to unlock.
Click the Delete button. To remove all program locks, click
the Delete All button.
Click OK.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 33
Parental Control
Parental Control lets you restrict access to TV programs
depending on their content rating. The video and audio of
programs that you restrict will be scrambled until the correct
password is entered.
Parental Control is only available for North American
(NTSC) Television.
Passwords are case-sensitive, and must be at least
three characters in length.
If you forget your password, you must uninstall and
reinstall your TV software.
Parental Control is only available for computer
systems that have a TV tuner.
The capture still frames feature is disabled for
scrambled programs, and video capture records only
scrambled material.
To use Parental Control
Click the Parental Control button in the Television control
panel to display a menu of choices. The selected level is
Click the level you want.
The Set Password dialog appears.
Type your password in the upper box, then type it in the
lower box to confirm it.
The following table summarizes the FCC guidelines for
Parental Control.
Programs designed solely for children
This program is designed to be appropriate for all children.
This program is designed for children age 7 and above.
Programs designed for the entire audience
General audience.
Parental guidance suggested.
Parents strongly cautioned.
Mature audience only.
34 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Capturing Video and still images
Full-motion video. The
Digital VCR lets you capture
a clip of full-motion video
AVI file on your computer’s hard disk. See Digital VCR on
page 39 for details.
Still images. Capture full-
color, 24-bit-per-pixel, still
images from television, and
MPEG clips (see Video CD on
page 61), save them, and print
them. The images are placed
in the Stills Gallery, which saves them as Windows-standard
bitmaps (.bmp) or a wide variety of standard formats.
file formats, so you can insert the images into reports,
presentations, letters, and other documents, to add impact to
training applications and presentations. See Stills Gallery on
page 55 for details.
If the program is restricted by Parental Control, still
Note capture is disabled (see Parental Control on
page 33).
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 35
Recording a clip of video and audio from TV
To record a clip of video and audio
Click the Record button in the Television control panel.
The Digital VCR starts recording video and audio to an
MPEG or AVI file on your computer’s hard disk. For
settings on page 40.
To stop recording, click the Record button in the Digital
VCR. A Save As dialog opens, so you can name and save
the captured video.
If the program is restricted by Parental Control, the
on page 33.)
Click the Camera button in the Television control panel.
The current frame is placed in the Stills Gallery (see Stills
Gallery on page 55).
If the program is restricted by Parental Control, Still
Note Capture is disabled (see Parental Control on
page 33.)
36 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
TV-on-Demand (“Time-Shifting”) is available if your graphics
card supports it (for example, the ALL-IN-WONDER
RADEON and the ALL-IN-WONDER 128 PRO). TV-on-
Demand combines the immediacy of live TV with the storage
and replay capability of a VCR to create a new way to watch
and interact with TV.
Live Pause. With a mouse click, you can pause a live TV
broadcast, and resume viewing the time-shifted video later,
without missing any of the action.
up the program, see what you missed, and then catch up to live
programming. You can vary the playback speed or skip ahead
by a pre-set number of seconds. You can also export time-
shifted video as an MPEG (.MP2) file.
Because TV-on-Demand records to your hard
drive, you cannot use the Digital VCR in TV-on-
Demand mode (see Digital VCR on page 39).
You cannot time-shift copy-protected video
To view time-shifted video
Click the TV-on-Demand button or the Pause button in
the TV control panel.
• When you click the Pause button, the TV control panel
changes to the TV-on-Demand control panel, the last frame
of video is displayed, and TV-on-Demand captures live
The TV control panel
changes to the TV-on-
Demand control
Live TV mode
panel, and time-
shifted video is
TV-on-Demand mode
• When you click the Play button , time-shifted video is
displayed, continuing from where you paused.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 37
To return to live broadcasting
Click the Live TV button in the TV-on-Demand control
panel. Video recording stops. To keep recording while
you watch live TV, stay in TV-on-Demand mode and drag the
slider to the right (see To move within time-shifted video on
page 38).
To play time-shifted video
Click the Play button in the TV-on-Demand control panel.
To pause time-shifted video
The Pause button is displayed in live TV mode or in TV-on-
Demand mode while time-shifted video is playing. When you
click the Pause button, time-shifted video stops, a still image is
displayed, and the Pause button changes to the Play button
When you click the Play button, time-shifted video resumes
playback, and the Play button changes to the Pause button.
To change playback speed in time-shifted video
Click the Speed button to select playback speed: Slow
Play (half-speed), Normal Play, and Fast Play (1.5x
speed). Right-clicking the Speed button displays a
menu of speeds.
• The Speed button is only enabled when you are in TV-on-
Demand mode, but behind Live.
To skip backwards and forwards in time-shifted video
Click the left button to skip back; click the right button
to skip forward. The default settings are:
• Forward: 10 seconds
• Backward: 30 seconds
You can right-click the button to change the time settings to 10
seconds, 30 seconds, 1 minute, or two minutes.
38 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
To move within time-shifted video
Drag the slider with your
mouse. The time display
indicates the position in the
recorded video. As you move the slider all the way to the right,
the time display indicates Live.
To export time-shifted video
Click the Export button in the TV-on-Demand control
panel. A dialog appears, where you can select the
portion of time-shifted video you want to save (Range:),
and the location to store it (Output File:). Exported video is
saved in MP2 format.
You can export more quickly if you return to live broadcast
mode first (but do not return to TV-on-Demand, or you will
overwrite your previously-recorded video).
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 39
Digital VCR
The Digital VCR provides
simple controls and
powerful capture options.
You can capture a clip of
full-motion video and audio from your video source and save it
as an MPEG or AVI file. You can play captured files in the File
Schedule on page 83).
Because TV-on-Demand records to your hard drive,
you cannot use the Digital VCR in TV-on-Demand
use the Export function when you are in TV-on-
Demand mode (see To export time-shifted video on
page 38.)
To start the Digital VCR
When you capture video (see To record a clip of video and
audio on page 35) from TV, the Digital VCR opens
automatically. If you want the Digital VCR to prompt you
before recording, click the Prompt before Recording
Saving and compressing captured video
The Digital VCR Custom Settings... page lets you compress
your captured video and save it in several industry-standard
formats (see Recording Quality in Digital VCR settings on
page 40). The quality of the video that you capture depends on
the following conditions:
• speed of your system (CPU)
• amount of system memory (RAM)
• performance of your hard disk
• size of the video capture window
• Video codec (encoder-decoder) used
40 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Digital VCR settings
Use the Digital VCR settings pages to specify recording quality,
duration, general options, and custom settings.
To set up the Digital VCR
Click the Setup button in the TV control panel, then
click the Digital VCR tab.
Check Best Quality, Good Quality, Video CD (see
Note), or Longest Time. (The higher the quality, the less
video you will be able to store on a disk.) For extremely
fine control, click the Set Custom button to open the
Custom Settings page, where you can create and
modify preset capture formats.
Click the Create New... button to create a new, preset
capture format. The Capture Wizard guides you through
the process.
Click the Edit... button to modify an existing, preset
capture format.
Step 2 of the Capture Wizard provides a
deinterlacing option. Select it to prevent horizontal
streaks in captured video.
Note: The Video CD setting lets you create Video-CD-
compliant files that can be played on most consumer DVD
players. To create a CD containing the Video CD files,
you need a writeable CD drive and accompanying CD
creation software.
Allocates the amount of disk to store captured video.
Record to Drive
Select the drive to hold captured video.
Amount of disk space to leave free
Use the slider to set the amount of space to leave on your
hard drive. Use this to prevent the recording from
completely filling your drive.
Displays the video format, size, frame rate, and audio
format for captured video.
Still at
Capture still images in 640 x 480 pixel format.
640 x 480
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 41
Do all capture setup, then display a dialog that starts
Check the box, then type the number of hours and
minutes you want to record.
Record for
Real-time MPEG encoding
If your computer uses a Pentium® II, Pentium® III, Pentium®
processor with MMX technology, or an AMD Athlon™
processor, you can capture video and save it in MPEG format, in
real time.
The Digital VCR Custom Settings provide four, pre-set MPEG
recording settings, as well as AVI, and you can customize video
and audio settings for your particular purposes.
To customize MPEG recording settings
You should have a good understanding of MPEG
before changing these settings. Of course,
Note experimentation is a great teacher; if the results are
not to your liking, simply click Cancel to return to the
pre-set values.
Click the Setup
click the Digital VCR tab.
button in the TV control panel, then
Click the Set Custom... button.
The Custom Settings page opens.
Select the MPEG format you want to use.
• To change preset values, click the Edit... button. The
Capture Wizard will guide you through making changes.
• To create a new capture format, click the Create New...
button. The Capture Wizard will guide you through
creating the new format.
42 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Achieving the best results with MPEG video capture
To access MPEG properties
Click the setup button
then click the Digital VCR tab.
in the Television control panel,
In Recording Quality, click the Set Custom... button.
Click Best Quality, then click the Edit... button.
Capture Wizard (Step 1) appears.
Enter a name and description (if desired) for the preset.
Click Next >.
Capture Wizard (Step 2) appears.
Select MPEG-1 or MPEG-2, then click Next >.
Capture Wizard (Step 3) appears
To select I-frame-only MPEG capture
This uses less CPU, but requires 2 to 3 times the bit-rate, which
produces larger files.
Click the I Frames Only button.
Click Next>, then click Finish.
To select I, B, P frame MPEG capture
This uses more CPU, but greatly reduces the bit-rate required to
achieve good quality video.
In Capture Wizard (Step 3), set Number of P Frames in
Group to 4.
Set Number of B Frames in Subgroup to 2.
(Clicking the Default button sets the above values.)
To achieve full 29.97 frames/second capture performance in
MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 format, we recommend the following
settings. Example CPU speeds and bit rates (Mbps) are given,
but note that some video compresses better than others,
depending on the amount of rapid motion and the number of
complex scenes.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 43
P200-MMX 1.0
Athlon 600 6.0
Athlon 700 6.0
Mbps = Megabits per second, or millions of bits per second.
1 Mbps is approximately 125Kbytes/second.
The motion estimation slider can be used to control the quality of the
video – a high setting (75 or more) uses more CPU, but provides better
quality video. A low setting (25 or less) speeds up encoding, but
produces lower quality video at a given bit-rate.
The above bit-rate settings are based on a motion estimation setting of
If your system is not capable of achieving smooth-looking video at 29.97,
try the following:
• Capture I frames only.
• Capture using a smaller frame size.
• Capture video only, with no audio.
MPEG-1 decoders are widely used, so video encoded in MPEG-1 format
can be played on many PCs. However, MPEG-1 playback on a PC uses the
Microsoft MPEG-1 decoder, which may not provide the best performance.
MPEG-2 playback on a PC requires an MPEG-2 decoder. With ATI graphics
cards, MPEG-2 decoders use the ATI hardware IDCT and motion
compensation, which provides higher resolution video playback and less
CPU loading than the Microsoft MPEG-1 decoder.
44 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
TV Listings
Gemstar’s GUIDE Plus+™ is an electronic television
programming guide for Microsoft Windows. It provides
advanced program information, such as station names and
numbers, as well as program names and details.
Before you use TV Listings for the first time, it is recommended
that you complete the TV Initialization Wizard (see Setting up
TV on page 13).
You can schedule recording and viewing sessions, search for
programs, and maintain a list of your favorite shows. For more
information, see the TV Listings Help.
TV Listings is only available in North America.
You need an internet connection to download the
TV listings to your computer.
To start TV Listings
Click the TV Listings button in the TV control panel, or click
TV Listings in the LaunchPad.
To access TV Listings information from TV
• When you Autoscan, TV Listings provides station names
(see Autoscan in TV Tuner settings on page 18.)
• When you change channels, the current program name, and
the station name and number are displayed.
• When watching TV, right-click the TV Listings button to get
the following options:
•TV Program Details If TV
Listings has information about
this program, it displays a
panel containing detailed program information.
• Auto Update As time passes, or as you change channels,
the TV Program Details panel updates its program
• Copy Check this to copy the TV Program Details panel’s
information into your Windows clipboard.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 45
• Right-clicking in the text area of the TV Program Details
panel also provides access to the Auto Update and Copy
When you use TV Listings, the TV Control panel is
hidden and the following features are unavailable:
On-screen display of channel information.
Resizing the Display panel (see page 14).
Zoom and Pan (see page 30).
Video Desktop is deactivated when you open TV
Listings, and reactivated when you close TV
Listings (see page 31).
TV Listings is unavailable when you use the following
Channel Surf (see page 23).
Video capture (see page 34).
Setting up TV Listings
The first time you launch the GUIDE Plus+ system, you will
need to register. This allows you to download the listings for
your area or cable service.
To download updated listings
In the File menu, click Download Weekly File ...
The Download Assistant opens.
Click the Download button to download the listings.
To make changes, click the Change Settings button.
To customize channels
The Edit menu contains two features related to the channel list:
• Station Lists ... lets you create and maintain a list of stations,
based on the master list for your area or cable service.
• Channel Number... lets you assign and maintain channel
numbers for each station.
46 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Getting around
To navigate the various TV Listings views, click the tab for the
view you want, or select the appropriate view from the View
menu at the top of the screen.
Use the mouse or cursor keys to move within the current view.
Left-click to select an item and display its details in the details
window above the grid or log.
Right-click to open a pop-up menu with various options:
Adds the item to your Watch schedule (see
Schedules tab on page 51).
Adds the item to your Record schedule (see
Schedules tab on page 51).
Adds the item to your Favorites list (see
Favorite search on page 49.
Opens a window that includes a detailed
description of the program, as well as
additional air dates.
Tunes the PIP (Picture-In-Picture—the window
Go To
in the upper left corner of the guide where the
TV picture is displayed) to the selected station.
TV Listings works with your TV tuner to automatically record
shows. When you select a program to record, a pop-up window
appears, requesting a file name and location to save the file.
When you select a program for recording, the Record icon
appears next to the title in any view where that program is
• To remove a program from the Record Schedule, simply click
the Record icon next to the program title.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 47
TV Listings works with your TV tuner to automatically display
shows. When you select a program for viewing, the Watch icon
appears next to the title in any view where that program is
• To remove a program from the Watch Schedule, simply click
the Watch icon next to the program title.
There are two, main views for the guide: Grid and Log.
up, down, left, or right. You can also scroll using the horizontal
and vertical scroll bars.
• Scroll to a specific program to display its details in the area
above the grid.
• To display just the stations you want, use the Station Lists ...
option in the Edit menu (see To customize channels on
page 45.)
scroll up, down, left, or right. You can also scroll using the
horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
• Scroll to a specific program to display its details in the area
above the log.
• To display just the stations you want, use the Station Lists ...
option in the Edit menu (see To customize channels on
page 45.)
48 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Filter options
Click the Filter icon to
open the Filter options
dialog, where you can
adjust the current view
and quickly locate
programs. Select the
boxes you want to apply
to the current view, and
click Close.
Select the Use Station
List checkbox to apply
the most recently customized station list.
Actors tab
The Actors tab displays all actors and actresses starring in all
the movies in the current listings. A list of actor names is
displayed on the left of the screen. Click the name of the actor
for whom you want to display all movies and show times.
• You can also type an actor’s partial or full name in the
textbox above the Actors List to quickly locate that actor.
• Scroll to a specific program to display its details in the area
above the list.
• To display just the stations you want, use the Station Lists ...
option in the Edit menu (see To customize channels on
page 45).
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 49
Categories tab
The Categories tab displays all genre categories in the current
listings. A list of genre categories is displayed on the left of the
• Click the category you want to view, to display all titles for
that category on the right side of the screen.
• Double-clicking on categories with a + sign opens a list of
sub-categories on the right side of the screen.
List. You can also scroll using the horizontal and vertical
scroll bars.
• Scroll to a specific program to display its details in the area
above the log.
• To display just the stations you want, use the Station Lists
option in the Edit menu (see To customize channels on
page 45).
GUIDE Plus+ comes with a powerful search engine to help you
find the programs you want. You can save and maintain a list of
custom searches to run each week, as well as a Favorites search
that tracks your favorite shows and movies.
Favorite search
Access the Favorite search under the Searches tab. Favorites
are a special list of show titles that you keep and use to find your
favorite shows with a mouse click. You can add and remove
items from your favorites list from any view in the guide.
• Favorites is always the first search displayed in the Searches
tab. It behaves like other searches, but it cannot be deleted.
• When one of your favorites appears in any view of the guide,
appears in front of the title.
50 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Typically, you use the favorites list to find your preferred shows
when your data file is updated. Select the Favorites search from
the list of searches, and the guide will look up and display all
your favorite items. You can then select any or all of these items
into your Schedule. You can set Favorites in two ways:
• In any view, select an event you want to place in your
Favorites list. Right-click to open the Event menu, then
select the Favorite option to toggle the item in or out of your
Favorites list.
• In any list of events, three checkboxes appear in front of the
event. The right checkbox is the Favorites indicator; click to
toggle it.
Movies tab
The Movies tab displays all movie sub-categories for all movies
in the current listings, on the left side of your screen.
• Click the category you want to view; all titles for that
category will be displayed on the right side of your screen.
You can also scroll using the horizontal and vertical scroll
• Scroll to a specific program to display its details in the area
above the log.
• To display just the stations you want, use the Station Lists ...
option in the Edit menu (see To customize channels on
page 45).
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 51
Schedules tab
A schedule is a list of TV events that you have selected in any
view, including search results. The schedule is in the form of a
Log View (see page 47). There are three lists you can choose
• Watch displays all events with at least the Watch indicator
• Record displays all events with at least the Record indicator
• All displays all events with either the Watch or Record
indicator set.
In any view, when an event has been scheduled, an icon appears
in front of the title, indicating whether the item is scheduled to
watch, record, or both. Scheduled items can be added and
removed in two ways:
In any view, select the event you want to place in your
schedule, right-click to open the Event menu, then select
Watch or Record to toggle the item in or out of your list of
scheduled items.
In any list of events, three checkboxes appear in front of the
event; the left checkbox is the Watch indicator, and the
center checkbox is the Record indicator. Click either one to
toggle it.
Searches tab
The Searches tab displays a list of saved searches, including a
list of personal Favorites (see Favorite search on page 49),
which is always the first search in the list. The Search title is
automatically updated when you click it.
• To create a new search, click the Search menu, then click
New Search. The Search dialog opens.
• To edit a saved search, double-click the search title, or launch
the Search dialog (as above), then click Load Search.
52 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Setting search parameters
To start a new search, in the Search menu, click New Search ...
to open the Search dialog, which you can use to set the
following options:
Select All or None using the appropriate
buttons at the bottom of the list. To use
selected stations, click the station names to
highlight them.
Select All or None using the appropriate
buttons at the bottom of the list. To use
selected categories, click the category names
to highlight them.
Use the pull-down items to select date ranges,
and the check boxes to select the hours you
wish to include in your search.
Highlight one or more entries in this list to
search for movies with specific quality ratings.
Highlight one or more entries in this list to
search for movies with specific MPAA ratings.
Highlight one or more entries in this list to
search for movies with specific ratings.
Enter names, titles, and/or keywords in the text
box. Check the Title, Desc, and/or
Performers boxes to search the appropriate
fields for the text.
Year of
Use the pull-down items to search for movies
before, after, or within specific years.
Use the icons at the top of the Search dialog to:
• Create a new search
• Load an existing search
• Save the current search criteria
• Run the current search
• Exit the search dialog
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 53
Sports tab
The Sports tab displays all sports sub-categories for all sporting
events in the current listings, on the left side of your screen.
Click the category on the left side of the screen for which you
want to display all titles. Titles will appear on the right side of
the screen.
• If you have the Use Station List checkbox in the Filter
options checked (see Filter options on page 48), only those
stations in the currently-selected station list are displayed.
• Use the arrow keys to scroll up, down, left, or right. You can
also scroll using the horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
• Scroll to a specific program to display its details in the area
above the log.
• To display just the stations you want, use the Station Lists ...
option in the Edit menu (see To customize channels on
page 45).
Stations tab
The Stations tab displays listings for each station, on the left
side of your screen. Click the station you want, or use the arrow
keys to move up or down the list. The listings for that station
are displayed on the right side of your screen.
There are two ways to view listings in the Stations tab. You
control how the listings are displayed via the Stations tab
Format option:
Log view is the standard view. Each station is shown in its
own, rolling log.
Grid view can be activated from the Grid Mode option of
the View menu (see Views on page 47). Each station is
shown as a 24-hour grid.
• Use the arrow keys to scroll up or down. You can also scroll
using the horizontal and vertical scroll bars.
54 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
• Scroll to a specific program to display its details in the area
above the list.
• To display just the stations you want, use the Station Lists
option in the Edit menu (see To customize channels on
page 45).
Titles tab
The Titles tab displays all titles in the current listings, on the left
side of your screen. Click a title to display all show times for
that title, on the right side of your screen.
partial or full Title name in the textbox above the Title list,
and quickly jump to a particular title.
• Scroll to a specific program to display its details in the area
above the log.
• To display just the stations you want, use the Station Lists ...
option in the Edit menu (see To customize channels on
page 45).
Days and dates
Each view contains listings for the current date. To change the
date, select the date you wish to view from the Dates menu at
the top of the screen.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 55
Stills Gallery
The still images you
capture from TV, Video
CD, or File Player are
saved in the Stills Gallery.
You can save images in a
variety of graphics
formats and sizes. The
Stills Gallery controls let you delete images, hide them, save
them as wallpaper, and print them.
If you close the Stills Gallery without saving, your
captured still images are deleted.
When you click the logo in the upper left corner of the Stills
Gallery, the “About...” notice appears. If you have more than
one feature installed, a Task menu displays available and active
For information about using the Stills Gallery controls, see the
online help and Tool Tips.
Stills Gallery settings
Use the Stills Gallery Setup page to define how the Stills
Gallery saves and prints captured images.
56 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
To set up the Stills Gallery
Click the Setup button in the Stills Gallery, TV, File
Player, or Video CD control panel, then click the Stills
Gallery tab.
Capture to Gallery
Captures still images to the Stills Gallery.
Capture to numbered file
Stores captured images in numbered files (pic001.bmp,
pic002.bmp ...) on your hard disk.
Capture to clipboard
Places captured images on the Windows Clipboard.
Capture to printer
Send the captured image to the printer.
Use only 256 colors
Saves captured images as 256-color files, to save disk
Warn if closed without saving
Alerts you if you close Television or the Stills Gallery
without saving captured images.
Show paths of saved images
Displays the drive, folders, and subfolders that contain
saved images.
Show Tool Tips
Display tool tips for the Stills Gallery controls.
Show Short Cut
Display shortcut keys for the Stills Gallery controls.
on top
Keep the Stills Gallery on top of other applications.
Center image
Print image in center of page.
Image size:
One to one Print same size as original.
Double Print twice original size.
Print in full-page format.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 57
CD Audio
Use CD Audio to play
standard audio CDs.
Advanced features such as
Random play, Intro play
(which plays the first ten
seconds of each track) and
Loop play are available. The Schedule feature lets you schedule
CD playback on dates and times you specify (see Schedule on
page 83).
When you click the logo in the upper left corner of the display
panel, the “About...” notice appears. If you have more than one
feature installed, a Task menu displays available and active
help and Tool Tips.
To start CD Audio
from LaunchPad
Click CD Audio in the Launchpad. For information on
LaunchPad, see page 8.
from Windows® taskbar
In the Windows taskbar, click Start.
Point at Programs
Point at ATI Multimedia Center
Click CD Audio.
You can also start CD Audio from other Multimedia
Center features—DVD, Video CD, TV, and File Player.
Click the ATI logo in the upper left corner of the feature’s
control panel, then click CD Audio.
58 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
CD Audio settings
Use the CD Audio Settings page to set up playlists and shuffle
play, and to use an LCD panel for track number and playback
To set up CD Audio
Click the Setup button in the CD Audio control panel,
then click the CD Audio Settings tab.
Displays all tracks in the playlist (the list of your
Shuffle all tracks
Play all tracks in random order.
Shuffle user playlist
Play playlist in random order.
If the information is available, displays the name of the
disc and the artist. You can also type in the information.
Displays the tracks that you can add to the playlist. Use
the buttons to add or remove selected tracks or all tracks.
Check to display track number and current playback time
on an LCD display.
Show Tool Tips
Display tool tips when you point at a control with your
Show Shortcut
Display keyboard shortcuts when you point at a control
with your mouse.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 59
CD Database
If you are connected to the Internet, you can use the CD
Database to display album title, artist, song names, and other
information on your computer as your CD plays.
When you put an audio CD in your CD-ROM drive, the CD
Audio program can query a global CDDB server for
information about the disk. If the database contains information
for your disk, CD Audio downloads and displays the data.
• Access to the CDDB service is free of charge to end-users.
To open the CD Audio CD Database page
Click the Setup button in the CD Audio control panel,
then click the CD Database tab.
Address of
CDDB server
Port to use with this CDDB server (default: 8880).
Get Sites List from Server
Get sites list from server using current settings.
Use direct TCP/IP connection.
Use the HTTP connection if you are behind a firewall. A
CGI script must be defined (default: /-cddb/cddb.cgi)
Address of proxy server (a proxy server is another
computer on your LAN that connects to the Internet
without compromising the security of your network).
Proxy Server
Access the
database using Port
a proxy server Port to use with proxy server.
Requires Proxy Authentication
This proxy server requires authentication.
60 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Use this connection when making remote queries
When not connected, connect using this entry.
Use dial-up
when accessing
the server.
Only perform remote queries when connected
Access the database only when already connected.
CD Database
No queries are performed when this box is checked.
CD Audio Schedule settings
You can schedule CD Audio to play on the dates and times you
specify. If you have the features installed, you can also
To open the CD Audio Schedule settings page
Click the Setup button in the CD Audio control panel,
then click the Schedule tab. The Schedule Wizard will
guide you through creating new scheduled events. See Schedule
on page 83 for details.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 61
Video CD
Video CD plays Video CD
1.0 CDs and Karaoke CDs.
When you click the logo in
the upper left corner of the
display panel, the
“About...” notice appears.
If you have more than one
feature installed, a Task
menu displays available
and active features.
For information about
using Video CD controls,
see the online help and
Tool Tips.
To start Video CD
from LaunchPad
Click Video CD in the Launchpad. For information on
LaunchPad, see page 8.
From Windows® taskbar
In the Windows taskbar, click Start.
Point at Programs
Point at ATI Multimedia Center
Click Video CD.
You can also start Video CD from other Multimedia
Center features—TV, CD Audio, File Player, and DVD.
Click the ATI logo in the upper left corner of the feature’s
control panel, then click Video CD.
62 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Video CD Control menu
You can access Video CD functions by right-clicking on the
video viewing area or the control panel. This is very useful in
full-screen mode. The following menu items are available:
Open the Video CD setup page.
Eject the video CD from the drive.
Eject CD
Play the loaded Video CD.
Pause playback.
Stop playback.
Display video at 1/2 size.
Display video at 3/4 size.
Display video full size.
Display Size
Display video at double size.
Full Screen Display video in full screen, no borders.
Display the Control panel.
Click to select audio tracks for dual-mode MPEG CDs:
Both Channels Both audio channels active.
Left Channel Left channel audio only.
Right Channel Right channel audio only.
Stereo audio playback.
Show Time
Display scale in time.
Show Frames
Display scale in frames.
Movie Scale
Time Remaining Display time remaining in current CD.
Total Time
Display total time of current CD.
Zoom 2x
Zoom 4x
Zoom 8x
Return to normal display.
Zoom to double size.
Zoom to 4 times size.
Zoom to 8 times size.
Display the About... dialog.
Close the Video CD program.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 63
Capturing still frames from Video CDs
To capture still frames from Video CDs
Click the Camera button in the Video CD control panel.
The current frame is placed in the Stills Gallery (see
Stills Gallery on page 55).
Zooming and Panning
You can zoom in on the video in
the Display panel to enlarge a
selected portion of the screen, and
return your display to normal.
To zoom in
Click within the display panel,
then hold down the mouse button
and draw a rectangle around the
area you want to zoom.
Or, right-click the 1:1 button to open a menu where you
can set the zoom level— Zoom x2, Zoom x4, or Zoom x8.
To pan in the zoomed area
Move your mouse within the zoomed area.
Hold down the Shift key, and draw another rectangle in the
zoomed area.
To unzoom or use predefined zoom levels
Right-click in the display panel to open the Control Menu (see
Video CD Control menu on page 62), then click Zoom, and
select Unzoom, Zoom x2, Zoom x4, or Zoom x8.
Or, click the 1:1 button to unzoom, or right-click the button
to open a menu where you can set the zoom level — Zoom x2,
Zoom x4, or Zoom x8.
64 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Video CD Display settings
Use the Video CD Display settings pages to set up video size
and general operation.
To open the Video CD Display settings page
Click the Setup button in the Video CD control panel,
then click the Display tab.
Choose playback size: 50%, 75%, 100%, 200%, or
Show Tool Tips
Show tool tips when you point at controls with your
Tool Tips
Show Shortcuts
Show keyboard shortcuts when you point at controls with
your mouse.
on top
Keep Video CD on top of other applications.
Keep Aspect
Maintain the width-to-height ratio when you resize or
zoom the display.
Controls in
Full screen
Automatically hide Video CD controls when playing full-
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 65
Video CD Preferences settings
Use the Video CD Preferences settings page to set up general
characteristics for your player.
To open the Video CD Preferences settings page
Click the Setup button in the Video CD control panel,
then click the Preferences tab.
Show Frames
Display scale in frames.
Show Time
Display scale in time.
Show Total Time
Display the total time of the playing video CD or file.
Show Time Remaining
Display the remaining time in the playing video CD or file.
Automatically play a loaded CD.
Select one of the following levels:
Power management always enabled.
Disabled while playing
Power management is disabled while a CD is playing.
Allow display to turn off while paused
Only the display turns off when playback is paused.
Power management is never enabled.
66 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Video CD Stills Gallery settings
You can capture still images from Video CDs, and save them in
the Stills Gallery.
To open the Video CD Stills Gallery settings page
Click the Setup button in the Video CD control panel,
then click the Stills Gallery tab. For information on the
Stills Gallery, see Stills Gallery on page 55.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 67
DVD (Digital Versatile
Disc) is a high-density
format that provides as
much as 17 Gigabytes of
storage—25 times more
than a CD-ROM. This
vastly increased capacity
lets you view a full-length
movie or play games that
used to require multiple
Many DVD titles provide
new viewing capabilities: interactive menu selection, multiple
languages, foreign-language subtitles, multiple viewing angles,
and more. New video and audio technologies such as MPEG-2
video compression give you a higher level of multimedia video
and audio experience.
When you click the logo in the upper left corner of the display
panel, the “About...” notice appears. If you have more than one
feature installed, a Task menu displays available and active
help and Tool Tips.
To start DVD
from LaunchPad
Click DVD in the Launchpad. For information on LaunchPad,
see page 8.
from Windows® taskbar
In the Windows taskbar, click Start.
Point at Programs
Point at ATI Multimedia Center
Click DVD.
68 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
You can also start DVD from other Multimedia Center
features installed on your system—TV, Video CD, File
Player, and CD Audio. Click the ATI logo in the upper left
corner of the feature’s control panel, then click DVD.
What can I play on my DVD drive?
You can play all video discs that conform to the DVD Video
Disc 1.0 specification, including encrypted (copy-protected)
and interactive titles.
Sizing the Video Display panel
You can resize the video display panel by using your mouse to
drag an edge, and you can use the CTRL key to display these
preset screen sizes:
50% of original size.
75% of original size.
100% of original size.
Full-screen controls
When you play
DVD discs in
full-screen mode, the player controls appear at the bottom of
your screen. You can use the following keys to return to
windowed video, and hide or show the on-screen controls.
Ctrl + F
Exit full-screen mode.
Hide / Show the
on-screen controls.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 69
Playing DVD Video Disks
All DVD players and drives will read audio CDs and
CD-ROMs, and play music from Enhanced CDs (CD Plus, CD
To play DVD discs
Place a DVD disk in your DVD drive, then click the Play DVD
button in the File Open dialog.
Selecting audio streams
When you view a standard DVD Video disc that has
multiple audio streams, clicking the audio channel
button displays a pop-up menu of available audio
streams. The currently-playing channel is checkmarked.
• All DVD Video Discs support up to eight audio channels.
Setting up sub-titles
Click the sub-title selection button in the DVD control
panel to display a menu of sub-title language choices.
Click the language you want for sub-titles. The selected
language is checkmarked.
• All DVD Video Discs support up to thirty-two sub-title
70 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Using the menus
Click the Menus button in the DVD control panel. A
pop-up “menu of menus” opens, where you can select a
menu to jump to. Standard DVD Video Discs provide up
to six menus:
• Title (usually, a whole movie or album)
• Root
• Audio
• Sub-picture (sub-pictures overlay the video, and are used for
sub-titles, karaoke, menus, simple animation, etc.).
• Angle
• Chapter
Searching DVD disks
DVD Video Disc content consists of “titles” (movies or
albums), and “parts of titles” (chapters or songs). Use Search to
go to a specific location on the disc.
Click the Search button in the DVD control panel to open
the search dialog. You can search DVD discs for:
• Title (usually a whole movie)
• Title and Chapter (a Chapter is part of a Title).
• Time within the current Title and Chapter in HH:MM:SS:FF
format: HH=hour, MM=minute, SS=second, FF=frame).
Selecting viewing angle
Click the Angle button in the DVD control panel to
display a menu of camera angles. The selected angle is
• Not all DVD Video Discs support multiple viewing angles;
the DVD content must be encoded with multiple viewing
angles for this feature to be active.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 71
Parental Control
Parental Control lets you restrict access to selected
material by requiring password access. Click the
Parental Lockout button in the DVD control panel to
display a menu of parental level choices. The selected
level is checkmarked.
• When a parental level is selected, a password dialog appears.
A password is required to change parental levels.
Zooming and Panning
You can zoom in on the video in
the Display panel to enlarge a
selected portion of the screen, and
return your display to normal.
To zoom in
Click within the display panel,
then hold down the mouse button
and draw a rectangle around the
area you want to zoom.
Or, right-click the 1:1 button to open a menu where you
can set the zoom level— Zoom x2, Zoom x4, or Zoom x8.
To pan in the zoomed area
Move your mouse within the zoomed area.
Hold down the Shift key, and draw another rectangle in the
zoomed area.
To unzoom or use predefined zoom levels
Right-click in the display panel to open the Control Menu (see
DVD Control menu on page 72), then click Zoom, and select
Unzoom, Zoom x2, Zoom x4, or Zoom x8.
Or, click the 1:1 button to unzoom, or right-click the button
to open a menu where you can set the zoom level — Zoom x2,
Zoom x4, or Zoom x8.
72 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
DVD Control menu
functions by right-clicking on the video viewing area or the
control panel. This is very useful when you play files in full-
screen mode. The following menu items are available:
Opens the Preferences page.
Hides the full-screen controls (see Full-screen
controls on page 68).
Hide controls
Ejects the DVD disc from the drive.
Continues play, after pausing
Toggles between play and pause.
Stops play.
Stop playing
Play at
Search for a specific location on the disc (see
specific part
Restart program
Go Up
Starts play at the beginning of the file.
Goes up in a playlist.
on page 70).
Displays a menu of subtitle language choices (see
Setting up sub-titles on page 69).
Displays a menu of audio streams (see Selecting
audio streams on page 69).
Displays a menu of camera angles (see Selecting
viewing angle on page 70).
Displays a menu of parental level settings.
Search for any title or chapter.
Zoom 2x, 4x, 8x, Unzoom.
Displays the About... dialog.
Closes DVD.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 73
DVD display settings
The Display settings page lets you control how video is
displayed in DVD.
To open the Display settings page
Click the Setup button in the DVD control panel, then
click the Display tab.
Display video at 50%, 75%, 100%, or full screen.
If the DVD video disc contains the appropriately formatted
content, DVD video can be displayed with a width-to-
height ratio of 4:3 (standard TV shape) or 16:9
Wide screen
Displays the full image with a width-to-height ratio of 16:9
(for wide-screen TVs).
Displays the image with top and bottom borders (in 4:3
format, for a shorter but full-width image).
Pan Scan
Displays a 16:9 image formatted to fit a standard 4:3
screen; the image is full-height and 75% of the full width.
Keep Aspect Ratio
Maintains the aspect ratio (width-to-height ratio) when
you resize the display.
Always on Top
Always displays the player on top of other windows.
Auto Hide in Full Screen
Automatically hides controls in full-screen mode if no user
interaction occurs. Controls automatically re-appear if
you move the mouse.
Show Tool Tips
Displays helpful aids for using DVD.
Show Shortcut
Displays shortcut keys.
74 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
DVD Preferences settings
The Preferences settings page lets you control how video is
displayed in DVD.
To open the Display settings page
Click the Setup button in the DVD control panel, then
click the Preferences tab.
Select a 1st choice and a 2nd choice for your preferred
titles to match the 1st choice.
If the 1st choice is not available, the 2nd choice is
If neither 1st or 2nd choice is available, the player
uses the first available audio and sub-picture stream.
You can use the Sub-titles button to change
languages during playback (see Setting up sub-titles
on page 69).
Select one of the following levels:
Always (power management always enabled).
While not playing
Display to turn off while paused (only the display
turns off when playback is paused).
Always display subtitles.
When Muted
Display subtitles whenever the audio is muted.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 75
DVD Video settings
The Display Settings page lets you adjust video characteristics.
Your hardware will determine which settings are available.
To open the DVD Video settings page
Click the Setup button in the DVD control panel, then
click the Video tab.
Adjusts the intensity of light in your display.
Adjusts the color brightness of your display. The higher
the gamma, the higher the brightness and contrast, with
maximum being a flat (unmodified) setting.
Adjusts the richness of color (determined by the amount
of grey in a color) in your display.
DVD Closed Captioning
Display closed captioned
text over video, and/or in a
separate window beside the
video. When you use the
separate window, you can
use the scroll bar to review
the last few minutes of text.
You can set the background
color, the font, and the font color for the window.
Note Closed-Captioning is only available in North America.
To display closed-captioned text
Click the Closed Caption button in the DVD control
To close the Closed Captioning window, click the Exit
76 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Closed Caption settings
The Closed Caption settings page lets you specify how closed
captioned text is displayed—over video or in a window—and
the background color, the font, and the font color for the
To set up closed captioning
Click the Setup button in the DVD control panel, then
click the Closed Caption tab.
External Window
Displays closed captioned text in its own window. Click
Font... to select the display font.
Video Window
Displays closed captioned text superimposed on the
video. Click Font... to select the display font.
Solid Background
Displays closed captioned text on a solid background.
Shaded Background
Displays closed captioned text on a shaded background.
On Mute
Display closed captioned text when the audio is muted.
DVD Schedule settings
TV Magazine, Digital VCR, File Player, and TV.
To open the DVD Schedule settings page
Click the Setup button in the DVD control panel, then
click the Schedule tab. The Schedule Wizard will
guide you through creating new scheduled events. See Schedule
on page 83 for details.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 77
Region codes
There are six region codes, or “country codes”, which are used
to prevent playback of certain discs in certain geographical
regions. DVD players will not play discs that are not allowed in
the region.
If you insert a DVD disc whose region code is different from the
currently-set value, a dialog appears where you can change the
region code for your location.
You can only change Region Codes five times.
Region 1
Region 2
The U.S., U.S. territories and Canada.
Europe, Japan, the Middle East,
Egypt, South Africa, Greenland.
Taiwan, Korea, the Philippines,
Indonesia, Hong Kong.
Region 3
Region 4
Mexico, South America, Central
America, Australia, New Zealand,
Pacific Islands, Caribbean
Russia, Eastern Europe, India, most of
Africa, North Korea, Mongolia.
Region 5
Region 6
78 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
File Player
Use the File Player to play
various multimedia file
formats. The types of file
you can play depends on
your system’s software.
For example, MPEG-2
file playback is available
if software such as ATI’s
DVD Player is installed.
You can play the
following, multimedia
• AV I
• MPEG (,mpg, .mpeg)
• MP (.mp3, .mp2)
• MIDI (.mid)
• WAV (.wav)
help and Tool Tips
To start File Player
from LaunchPad
Click File Player in the Launchpad. For information on
LaunchPad, see page 8.
from Windows® taskbar
In the Windows taskbar, click Start.
Point at Programs
Point at ATI Multimedia Center
Click File Player.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 79
File Player Control menu
You can access File Player functions by right-clicking on the
video viewing area or the control panel. This is very useful
when you play files in full-screen mode. The following menu
items are available:
Open the File Player Setup page.
Hide the File Player Control panel.
Play the current file.
Stop playing.
Set time mode:
Time display
Elapsed Time
Remaining Time
Total Time
Set Zoom:
Zoom Mode
Video Size
Unzoom, Zoom 2x,
Zoom 4x, Zoom 8x.
Set playback size:
50%, 75%, 100%, 200%, Full Screen.
Displays the “About” dialog.
Closes the File Player.
80 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Zooming and Panning
You can zoom in on the video in
the Display panel to enlarge a
selected portion of the screen, and
return your display to normal.
To zoom in
Click within the display panel,
then hold down the mouse button
and draw a rectangle around the
area you want to zoom.
Or, right-click the 1:1 button
to open a menu where you can set the zoom level— Zoom x2,
Zoom x4, or Zoom x8.
To pan in the zoomed area
Move your mouse within the zoomed area.
Hold down the Shift key, and draw another rectangle in the
zoomed area.
To unzoom or use predefined zoom levels
Right-click in the display panel to open the Control Menu (see
File Player Control menu on page 79), then click Zoom, and
select Unzoom, Zoom x2, Zoom x4, or Zoom x8.
Or, click the 1:1 button to unzoom, or right-click the button
to open a menu where you can set the zoom level — Zoom x2,
Zoom x4, or Zoom x8.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 81
File Player Display settings
The Display settings page lets you control how video is
displayed in the File Player.
To open the Display settings page
Click the Setup button in the File Player control panel,
then click the Display tab.
Display video at 50%, 75%, 100%, 200%, or full screen.
LCD Display
Display track number and current playback time on an
LCD display.
Always on Top
Always display File Player on top of other applications.
Auto Hide Controls when in Full Screen
Automatically hides controls in full-screen mode if no user
interaction occurs. Controls automatically re-appear if
you move the mouse.
Keep Aspect Ratio
Maintains the aspect ratio (width-to-height ratio) when
you resize the display.
Set the time mode:
Elapsed Time, Remaining Time, or Total Time.
Show Tool Tips
Displays helpful aids for using the File Player.
Show Shortcut
Displays shortcut keys.
82 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
File Player Preferences settings
The Preferences settings page lets you specify power
management settings.
Select one of the following levels:
Power management always enabled.
Disabled while playing
Power management is disabled while a CD is playing.
Allow display to turn off while paused
Only the display turns off when playback is paused.
Power management is never enabled.
File Player Stills Gallery settings
You can capture still images from the File Player.
To open the File Player Stills Gallery settings page
Click the Setup button in the File Player control panel,
then click the Stills Gallery tab. For information on
Stills Gallery, see Stills Gallery on page 55.
File Player Schedule settings
You can schedule the File Player to play media files on the dates
and times you specify. If you have the features installed, you
VCR, and TV.
To set up scheduled events
Click the Setup button in the File Player control panel,
then click the Schedule tab. The Schedule Wizard will
guide you through creating new scheduled events. See Schedule
on page 83 for details.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 83
Use the Schedule feature to activate events on the dates and
times you want. You can schedule events for CD Audio, TV
Magazine, Digital VCR, File Player, and TV.
To set up scheduled events
Click the Setup button in the DVD, TV, CD Audio, or
File Player control panel. Click the Schedule tab, and
then click the Create New button.
The Schedule Wizard will guide you through creating new
scheduled events. Step 4 of the Wizard asks if you want to set
up feature-specific settings (for example, if you are recording
video, you can specify quality and duration for particular
events). When you click the Finish button, your event is added
to the scheduled event list; checked items are active.
84 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Schedule settings
The name of the event. Checked events are active.
The feature to schedule: CD Audio, File Player, Television,
TV Magazine, Video Capture, or Video CD.
When the event occurs.
Next Run
The next time the event will run.
Click to change values for a scheduled event.
Remove a scheduled event.
Delete All
Remove all scheduled events.
Events whose date (On Month & Day) has passed are not automatically
removed. To re-activate an event, set its Month & Day to today or later.
If a settings page is open, or if the About Help... box is being displayed,
the Scheduler cannot process events. If an event occurs, a warning
dialog tells you that a particular event was not processed.
When the Multimedia Center first runs, if there are any scheduled events
recorded, and the Scheduler program is not running, a warning dialog
tells you that the scheduled events will not be processed.
You can run the Scheduler immediately, and/or install it in your Windows
Startup file, so that it runs every time Windows is started. the warning
dialog is displayed whenever you click OK after adding an item to the
scheduled viewing list.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 85
TV Out
You can connect a television set as your computer’s display, and
use your Multimedia Center to view computer output directly
on your television in NTSC or PAL formats, connect using
Composite or S-Video output capabilities, and display images
on the TV and PC monitor simultaneously.
TV Out provides a big-screen experience for entertainment PCs
that is ideal for playing games, giving presentations, watching
movies, and browsing the Internet.
You must attach a TV before enabling TV out. For
Note information on attaching a TV, see the User’s Guide
for your ATI card.
To enable the television display
In the Windows taskbar, click Start.
Point to Settings , then click Control Panel.
Double-click Display.
Click the Settings tab.
Click Advanced...
Click Displays.
Check the Television checkbox.
Click OK.
To cancel TV Out, click the Television checkbox to clear it.
For more information about television display, click
Desktop Help.
86 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
Multi-monitor support
ATI RADEON VE cards with integrated
HydraVision™ software provide flexible,
multi-monitor support for your system. Many
configurations of CRT, DVI flat panel, and TV
monitor displays are available.
ATI RADEON VE cards, provide Multi-monitor support for
DVD, File Player, and Video CD. For details, please see the
RADEON VE Installation and Setup User’s Guide.
ATI’s new Teletext
application lets you get
the most out of working
with Teletext. ATI
Teletext eliminates all the
familiar disadvantages of
television’s teletext, and
allows you to surf in the
teletext data stream. The
ATI Teletext User’s Guide
provides complete installation and operating instructions.
Note Teletext is only available in Europe.
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 87
If you have problems with video or audio, try these suggestions.
Audio problems ...
No sound
Check your speakers:
• If you have external speakers, ensure that they are powered-
on (POWER indicator light is on) and connected to the
LINE-OUT or SPEAKER OUT connectors on your sound card.
Still no sound?
Play a .WAV sound:
Click Start, point at Settings , select Control Panel,
then double-click Sounds.
In the Events area, Click Asterisk, then click a .WAV file
in the Sound area.
Click the Play button to preview the sound.
If you still do not hear any sound, open the Volume Control:
• Click Start, point at Programs , point at Accessories
point at Entertainment , then select Volume Control.
Or, right-click the speaker icon (usually in the lower-right
corner of your screen), then click Open Volume Controls.
If the speaker icon is not in your Taskbar, do the following:
In the Windows Taskbar, click Start, point to Settings,
then click Control Panel.
Double-click Multimedia.
In the Audio tab, check Show volume control on the
• Ensure that the Volume Control and the Wave channel are
not muted or set very low. Also ensure that the MIDI (or
Synthesizer) channel is not muted.
88 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
When you hear sound from your speakers, you know they are
• If you still experience audio problems, check the audio
connections to your ALL-IN-WONDER 128 family card.
No sound from TV
Ensure that the audio connection between your
ALL-IN-WONDER 128 family card or ALL-IN-WONDER
RADEON card and your sound card is correct.
• For complete installation instructions, refer to the
ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON Installation and Setup User’s
128 Family
card or
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 89
Can’t capture sound
Check the Record mixer settings:
Click Start, point at Programs , point at Accessories
point at Entertainment , then select Volume Control.
Or, right-click the speaker icon (usually in the lower-
right corner of your screen), then click Open Volume
In the Volume Control menu, click Options, click
Properties, click Recording, then click OK. The
Recording Control opens.
Ensure that Line (or the Audio input you selected in the
Sound Initialization Wizard — see page 13) is checked,
then click to close the dialog.
Can’t capture sound when
recording from a videotape.
Connect the VCR audio output to your PC:
• Left and right audio output from your VCR must be
connected to your ALL-IN-WONDER 128 family card or
ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON card (note that S-Video does
not provide an audio connection). For complete installation
instructions, refer to the ALL-IN-WONDER 128 /
Installation and Setup User’s Guide.
card or
ATI Input Adapter
90 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
No sound on the videotape
when outputting to a VCR
Connect your PC audio to the VCR:
• Left and right audio output from your VCR must be
connected to your ALL-IN-WONDER 128 family card or
ALL-IN-WONDER RADEON card (note that S-Video does
not provide an audio connection). For complete installation
instructions, refer to the ALL-IN-WONDER 128 /
Installation and Setup User’s Guide.
card or
Using Your ATI Multimedia Center 91
Video problems ...
Video is unstable or only black and white
Check that you are using the correct broadcast standard
• See Broadcast Standard in TV video settings on page 17. For
proper operation, you must specify your country in the TV
Channels Initialization Wizard (see page 13).
• Check the quality of your incoming TV signal on another
receiver; bad reception may be the cause.
There is no video or audio
• Ensure that your cable or antenna is connected.
• Ensure that the video connector is set to the correct source
(see Connector in TV video settings on page 17).
• Check that the audio and video connectors are securely
plugged into the correct jacks.
• Check that your video card is securely seated in its slot.
Please refer to the user guide for the card location.
92 Using Your ATI Multimedia Center
setting up 39
ATI TV Bar 22
controls 22
control menu 72
Attaching and detaching control
panels 9
setting up sub-titles 69
Video settings 75
Audio troubleshooting 87
Autoscan 18
Cable standard 18
Capture Wizard 40, 41
Capturing video and still images 34
saving and compressing captured
files 39
CD Audio 57
CD Database 59
Schedule settings 60
settings 58
zooming and panning 71
DVD audio channels
selecting 69
CD Database 59
Channel name 18
Channel Property Details 18
Channel Surfing 23
Closed Captioning
settings 24, 75
Closed-captioned text
transcribing 28
Control menu
DVD menus
using 70
DVD sub-titles
selecting 69
Exporting time-shifted video 38
DVD 72
File Player 79
TV 15
Video CD 62
Display settings 81
Preferences 82
Control panels
attaching and detaching 9
Schedule Settings 82
Schedule Wizard 82
Stills Gallery 55
Stills Gallery Settings 82
zooming and panning 80
Digital VCR
acheiving best results with MPEG
Capture Wizard 41
real-time MPEG encoding 41
Index - 1
Program Lockout
passwords 32
features, context-sensitive, Tool
Tips, desktop 10
setting up 26
Recording quality 40
Region codes 77
Wizard 27
HotWords Wizard 27
I, B, P frames 42
I-frames 42
Initialization Wizard 13
TV 13
Instant Replay 36
SAP 30
Wizard 83
Karaoke CDs 61
Schedule Wizard
CD Audio 60
DVD 76
TV 21
starting Multimedia Center from 8
Live Pause 36
Digital VCR 40
DVD display 73
DVD Preferences 74
DVD video 75
File Player 81
achieving best results with video
capture 42
customizing recording settings 41
real-time encoding 41
Multimedia Center
starting 8
using 7
Multi-monitor support 86
MPEG recording 41
Schedule 84
Stills Gallery 55
TV display 16
TV Stills Gallery 21
TV Tuner 18
overview 11
Parental Control 33
DVD 71
TV tuner settings 18
TV Video 17
Video CD 64
password 13
Wizard 13
Video CD Stills Gallery 66
Index - 2
Sizing TV display 14
Sound Initialization Wizard 13
starting from Taskbar 11
Starting Multimedia Center 8
Still image capture 34
Stills Gallery 55
TV Magazine 28
TV-on-Demand 36
zoom and pan 30
settings 55
TV Channels Initialization Wizard
channels 23
settings 16
Teletext 86
Tool Tips 10
TV Listings 44
Transcribing closed-captioned text
accessing information from TV 44
Actors tab 48
audio 87
Categories tab 49
days and dates 54
filter options 48
sound card connection 88
VCR audio connection 89
video 87
Tuner settings
Schedules tab 51
TV 18
capturing video and still images 34
Channel Property Details 18
Channel surfing 23
Closed-Captioning settings 24
Control menu 15
Digital VCR 39
setting search parameters 52
setting up, registering, downloading
updated listings, customizing
channels, updating listings 45
HotWords 26
starting 44
Titles tab 54
Initialization Wizard 13
Parental Control 33
Program Lockout 32
recording a clip of video and audio
from TV 35
views, Grid, Log 47
saving and compressing captured
files 39
starting 28
Wizard 25, 28
Schedule settings 21
Secondary Audio Program 30
setting up 13
starting from LaunchPad 11
Stills Gallery 55
Stills Gallery settings 21
tuner settings 18
TV Bar 22
TV Magazine Wizard 25
TV Out 85
TV-on-Demand 14, 36
changing playback speed 37
exporting time-shifted video 38
Initialization Wizard 14
Index - 3
Instant Replay 36
Live Pause 36
Video-In 12
moving within time-shifted video
Viewing angles
pausing time-shifted video 37
playing time-shifted video 37
skipping backwards and forwards in
time-shifted video 37
Wizard 82
Capture 40, 41
viewing time-shifted video 36
Schedule 83
Sound Initialization 13
TV Schedule 21
Video capture 34
achieving best results with MPEG
Video CD
capturing still frames 63
Control menu 62
display settings 64
Stills Gallery 55
Stills Gallery settings 66
Video CD 1.0, Karaoke CDs 61
zooming and panning 63
Video CD 1.0 61
Video Desktop 31
Video settings
Zoom and pan 30
Zooming and panning
DVD 71
File Player 80
Video CD 63
TV 17
Index - 4
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