Agilent 81200
The 81200 Data Generator/
Analyzer Platform
Configuration Guide
Release 2.1
Simplify your verification and characterization process
Product Description
Model Number
Generator front-ends
Analyzer front-ends
Generator front-ends 660MHz, RZ/NRZ, 3.5 Vpp, variable transition times SMA (f).
Generator front-end 330 MHz, RZ/NRZ, variable transition times SMA (f).
Generator front-end 660 MHz, RZ/NRZ, single channel, 2.5 Vpp SMA (f).
Dual generator front-end 200 Mbit/s, NRZ, 3.5 VPP SMA (f).
Agilent E4838A
Agilent E4842A
Agilent E4843A
Agilent E4846A
Differential analyzer front-end 660 Msa/s, 1 GHz bandwidth, 50Ω SMA (f).
Single analyzer front-end 660 Msa/s, 1 GHz bandwidth, 50Ω SMA (f).
Dual analyzer front-end 330 Msa/s, 1 GHz bandwidth, 50Ω SMA (f).
Agilent E4837A
Agilent E4844A
Agilent E4845A
Agilent E4847A
High impedance dual analyzer front-end 330 Msa/s, 350 MHz bandwidth, 50Ω SMA (f).
660 MHz data generator/analyzer module – holds four front-ends, any mix
660 MHz clock and data generator module – holds two generator front-ends, any mix.
Clocks up to six Agilent E4841A modules.
660 MHz central clock module, which clocks up to eleven Agilent E4841A modules
and up to two Agilent E4805s.
Agilent E4841A
Agilent E4831A
Agilent E4805A
Required in all systems that include analyzer front-ends, and for all systems with seven
or more Agilent E4841As.
Agilent E4805A
8-line trigger input for TTL signals. When branching on external events
(hardware signals) other than VXI-ECL trigger lines or compare errors is required.
Deskewprobe, includes Agilent 1144A 880 MHz active probe and a BNC (f) to SMA (m)
adapter (part number 1250-1200).
Agilent E4805A
Opt 002
Agilent E4805A
Opt 003
Which clock module?
Front - ends
Clock module
Data generator/
analyzer modules
The Agilent E4831A Clock & Data
Generator Module can be an eco-
nomic way of building pulse or
data generators as it includes slots
for two front-ends. Please remem-
ber that the Agilent E4831A can
only be used for generator chan-
nels. For applications needing
many channels, analyzer channels
or more than two looping levels,
use the Agilent E4805A Central
Clock Module.
Generator-only systems.
(Two looping levels)
Agilent E4838A 660 MHz/MRZ
Agilent E4842A 330 MHz RZ/NRZ
(variable transitions)
Clock & data
generator module
Agilent E4843A 660 MHz RZ/NRZ
Up to six Agilent E4841A
modules can be added when
more generator front-ends are needed.
Agilent E4846A Dual 200 Mb/s, NRZ
Generator systems or generator/analyzer systems.
(Five looping levels)
Analyzer front ends
STEP 3: Decision - VXI integration
or not
If you want to combine the Agilent
81200 modules with other VXI
modules to achieve an "open VXI
system," then go to STEP 4b.
Agilent E4837A 660 MSa/s, differential
Agilent E4844A 660 MSa/s
Agilent E4805A
Central clock module
Agilent E4841A
Data generator/
analyzer module(s)
Agilent E4845A Dual 330 MSa/s
Agilent E4847A High-impedance
dual 330 MSa/s
If you want to use the Agilent
Figure 2: Front-ends and modules
81200 as a “proprietary system,”
meaning the Agilent 81200 will not be
combined with other VXI modules in
one system, then go to STEP 4a.
Up to 36 front-ends
Agilent E4849B
Up to 8 front-ends
Agilent E480A
Embedded PC
STEP 4a: Selecting the mainframe
If you’ve made the decision to config-
ure a "proprietary system," you are
now in the position to select a main-
frame. Two mainframes are available,
the Agilent E4840A small frame with
three free slots and the Agilent
E4849B mainframe with 10 free
slots. Both mainframes include a
built-in PC running Windows NT
4.0®. The user software is also
3-slot PC
10 free slots
3 free slots
3-slot PC
VXI bus
12 free slots
VXI bus
9 free slots
12 free slots
VXI bus
installed. All modules and front-ends
ordered with the mainframes come
factory installed.
Figure 3: Mainframes and expanders
Expander frames
Product Description
Model Number
For more module slots, one or two
Agilent E4848B expander frames can
be connected. To do this, a VXI exten-
der module (Agilent E4849B Opt 002)
is required. The module occupies one
of the otherwise free slots and is con-
nected to a corresponding VXI exten-
der that is supplied as part of the
expander frame.
Small mainframe – 3 free slots.
Mainframe – 10 free slots
VXI extender module (E1482B, 1 slot)
Required if 1 or 2 expander frames
are needed
Agilent E4840A
Agilent E4849B
Agilent E4849B
Opt 002
Expander frame
Agilent E4848B
Agilent 81200 User Software
5 licenses of Agilent 81200 User Software
Agilent E4873A
Agilent E4873A
Opt 005
Note that, when one or two expander
frames are fitted, an Agilent E4805A
Central Clock Module must be includ-
ed in all frames. The Agilent E4831A
Clock & Data Generator Module is
unsuitable for systems with expander
Open VXI Interfaces
VXI Mainframe
with E1406A GPIB
Slot 0 Command Module
VXI Mainframe
with Agilent E8491A
IEEE-1394 PC-link to VXI
Personalized system configuration
Now you are in a position to config-
ure your system to meet your specific
requirements with the Agilent 81200
Configuration Sheets. For configura-
tion instructions, please consult the
box on page 9. If you do not fill out
the configuration sheets, your system
will be delivered with the convention-
al configuration pre-installed. Now go
to STEP 5.
Any PC running MS Windows NT 4.0®
VXI Mainframe
with National
VXIpc- 850
VXI Mainframe
with Agilent E6235A
STEP 4b: Integrating Agilent 81200
modules with other VXI test equip-
Figure 4: Recommended Standard VXI Interfaces
To run the Agilent 81200 modules in
a standard VXI test system with other
VXI test equipment, it is necessary
that a controller with the operating
system Windows NT 4.0® is present,
on which the Agilent E4873A User
Software for the Agilent 81200 can
run. Therefore, either an embedded
VXI controller, or a Slot 0 command
module has to be installed in the
mainframe. The command module
has to be connected to an external
PC, on which the Agilent E4873A
User Software is running. For operat-
ing the Agilent 81200 platform in a
VXI test system, the following list,
comprising of VXI controllers, com-
mand modules and frames, is recom-
mended. Please also refer to figure 4.
Command modules:
• Agilent E1406A GPIB Slot 0
command module
Expander frames
For more module slots, one or two
Agilent E4848B expander frames can
be connected. To do this, a VXI exten-
der module Agilent E1482B is
required. The module occupies one of
the otherwise free slots and is con-
nected to a corresponding VXI exten-
der that is supplied as part of the
expander frame.
• Agilent E8491B IEEE-1394 PC link
to VXI
• National Instruments MXI-2
• Agilent E8403A VXI Mainframe, C-Size
Note that, when one or two expander
frames are fitted, an Agilent E4805A
Central Clock Module must be includ-
Please consider the power require-
ment of the modules and front-ends
when you configure your VXI test sys- ed in all frames. The Agilent E4831A
tem. For details about power require-
ments, consult Agilent 81200 Data
Generator / Analyzer Platform, data
sheets, p/n 5965-3415E, or download
the power requirement calculation
table (MS Excel) for the Agilent 81200
Clock & Data Generator Module is
unsuitable for systems with expander
VXI Controller:
• Agilent E6235A VXI PC
• National Instruments VXIpc-850
It is necessary to order the Agilent
E4873A User Software for the Agilent
81200 separately.
STEP 5: Choosing the user inter-
face, support options, installation
options, and test accessories
User Interface
The following user interfaces are available
as Agilent E4840/49B mainframe options:
The compact choice is the display
and entry panel that mounts onto the
front of the mainframe and hinges for
optimum viewing/connector access. It
can only be used when connected to
the frames Agilent E4840A and
Agilent E4849B in the “proprietary
Option 001 display and entry panel
Includes 5"x 4" flat VGA display,
miniature keyboard and touch pad
Alternatively, a VGA display, PC key-
board and mouse provide a larger,
higher resolution display and stan-
dard-sized keys.
Option 003/004/005:
15"/17"/21" Ultra VGA displays
Support, documentation and rackmount
Please consult the table below.
We recommend that a CD-ROM drive
is ordered so that user software
upgrades can be installed.
Option 006 keyboard (U.S./ English)
and option 007 mouse
Figure 5: User interfaces
Product Description
Model Number
Agilent E4840A/49B
Agilent E4840A/49B
User interface options
Interface options
5" x 4" display and entry panel
Opt 001
15" VGA monitor
17" VGA monitor
21" VGA monitor
Keyboard, US/English
Mouse (two button)
Opt 003
Opt 004
Opt 005
Opt 006
Opt 007
Opt 008
CD-ROM SCSI drive – includes SCSI-2 cable and termination
Documentation options Additional user manual set
Opt OB1
Japanese localization
CD-ROM Service Guide (part number E4849-91022)
Rackmount options
Support options
Rack flange kit (part number E8400-80923)
(Only for the Agilent E4849B and Agilent E4848B)
Opt AX4
One year on-site warranty
Opt W01
Five year return repair service
Opt W50
Software update notification service (12 per year)
Commercial calibration with test report
Five year return calibration with service
Opt +NAO
Agilent E4805A/31A/41A Opt UK6
Agilent E4805A/31A/41A Opt W52
Controlling instruments with the Agilent
81200 (only for "proprietary systems")
The embedded PC of the frames
Agilent E4849B and Agilent E4840A
includes a GPIB interface so that
other GPIB instruments can be con-
trolled with the Agilent 81200 plat-
form (figure 6). To do this, you need
to install suitable controller software
such as C or VEE. The GPIB interface
also allows the Agilent 81200 to be
controlled from another computer,
such as an ATE system controller.
The supplied GPIB interface
let's you use the Agilent
81200's built-in PC as a test
system controller
Agilent 81200 (E4840A or E4849B mainframe)
with Windows-NT -based C,
HP-Basic or VEE
Other GPIB instruments
VXI system
Other GPIB instruments
The Agilent 81200 can be
integrated into a
GPIB test system
Communicating over networks (only for
"proprietary systems")
Any controller or PC with C,
Agilent 81200
(E4840A or E4849B mainframes)
The Agilent 81200's PC also includes
a LAN interface. The Agilent 81200
can be controlled from a network
computer and for convenient vector
transfer, servers may also be accessed
(figure 6). The data format used for
transferring vectors is a STIL
VXI system
The Agilent 81200 can be
integrated into LAN's
(Standard Test Interface Language)
subset (ASCII file with header and
footer). Vector files can also be trans-
ferred via 3.5" disks or the optional
external CD-ROM drive.
Server/Hard disk
(STIL subset)
Agilent 81200 (E4840A
or E4849B mainframes)
Figure 6: The Agilent 81200 can be integrated into all common system
test environments
Additional test software for automated
characterization of your design
Product Description
Model Number
If you want to automate your charac-
terization measurements and create
shmoo plots, jitter measurements and
eye diagrams, you can simply install
the Agilent E4974A Characterization
Software Components. For details,
also including the system require-
ments, please consult Agilent E4974A
Characterization Software
Agilent 81200
dedicated Accessories
Agilent 81200 Test Fixture
Agilent E4839A
Pogo cable kit: 4*SMA(m) & 2 Pogo
adapter for the Agilent E4839A
Universal DUT Test Board
Agilent E4839A
Opt. 001
Agilent E4839A
Opt. 002
Adapter Kit: 4*SMA(m) I/O Adapter
Characterisation Software Components
Cable Kit: 4*SMA(m) to SMA(m)
Agilent 15440A
Test Software
Components, data sheet, p/n 5968-
General Accessories
Agilent 15442A
Cable Kit: 10*SMA(m) to SCI Connector Agilent 15441A
SMA coax. cable, 1 m.
Torque wrench, SMA.
Agilent 8120-4948
Agilent 8710-1582
Agilent 15440A
Agilent 1250-1200
Agilent 1250-1249
Agilent 1250-1397
Agilent 1250-1698
Agilent 11667B
Agilent 15433B
Agilent 15434B
Agilent 15438B
Agilent 10833B
Agilent E2120F
Adapter Kit: 4* SMA(m) I/O Adapter
Adapter SMA (m)/BNC (f).
Adapter right-angle SMA (m-f).
Adapter right-angle SMA (m-m).
Adapter tee SMA.
Pulse adder/splitter, SMA.
500 ps transition converter.
1 ns transition converter.
2 ns transition converter.
Cable, GPIB.
VEE 5.0 on CD-ROM.
BASIC on 3.5" disks.
Agilent E2060B
For more details please consult
Agilent 81200 Data Generator/
Analyzer Platform, data sheet, p/n
DUT Fixturing
I want to integrate the Agilent 81200 into a
system. How can I control it and transfer
test vectors?
These requirements can be fulfilled
via LAN or GPIB. Interfaces for both
are installed on the Agilent 81200
Controller. The vector file format is a
STIL subset (Standard Test Interface
Language; ASCII file with header and
For convenient and reliable DUT fix-
turing for DUT’s with up to 192 pins,
there is the Agilent E4839A Test
Fixture available. For details, please
consult Agilent E4839A Test Fixture,
data sheet, p/n 5968-3580E.
I want to run a PRBS pattern on one chan-
nel and data from another channel at the
same time. Is that possible?
Yes, but you have to use two mod-
ules, one for the PRBS and one for
the control signals.
Simulation data link for VHDL and Verilog
BestLink/81200, a simulation data
link is available to process and trans-
fer simulation data from Verilog and
VHDL simulators. For details, please
consult the BestLink/81200
Simulation Data Link for the Agilent
81200, product information, p/n
5968-2548E or visit:
I want to use just the Agilent 81200 analyzer
channels. Is this configuration possible?
Yes, but we recommend that one gen-
erator channel as a timing reference
for the system is used, otherwise the
trigger output would have to be used
as a timing reference.
Mainframe/system control and accessories:
Test accessories
Please consult the table on page 6.
I'd like to fit a VXI DVM into a spare slot in
the Agilent 81200 frame. Will that work?
Yes, if you have configured the
Agilent 81200 platform as described
in the section STEP 4b as an "open"
STEP 6: Checking your configuration
Front-ends and modules:
What do I need to run generator channels
up to 1.32 Gbit/s?
I test my designs in a remote environment
so I won't need monitors and so on con-
nected to the Agilent 81200. Will it boot
without a monitor and keyboard?
You need two Agilent E4843A or
Agilent E4838A generator front-ends,
which are EXOR-ed internally added
to generate one 1.32 Gbit/s signal. For
better signal performance, for signals
above 1 Gbit/s, please also consider
an external addition, by using an
Agilent 11667B (APC-3.5 power split-
ter, DC to 26.5 GHz) or an Agilent
11636B (DC to 26.5 GHz power
divider, APC-3.5).
Yes, but you will need a mouse.
However, you will need a monitor to
perform tasks such as shut down and
to install user software upgrades.
Can I fit Agilent 81200 modules into an
existing VXI system?
Yes, please refer to STEP 4b. Plug and
play drivers for the Agilent 81200 are
an integral part of the Agilent
E4873A Rev. 2.1 User Software.
For operation in EXOR addition mode
you only need two Agilent E4843A
respectively Agilent E4838A front-
ends per module.
Can I combine rack & stack instruments
with the Agilent 81200?
I need generator channels that operate up
to 200 Mbit/s and with more than 512 Kbit
memory depth per channel. Can I use the
Agilent E4846A dual generator front-ends?
No. If you need more than 512 Kbit,
you should use the Agilent
E4843A/38A (max. 660 Mbit/s) front-
ends. The Agilent E4846A dual gener-
ator front-ends share the channel's
memory depth of 1024 Kbit, this is
why they only support 512 Kbit. This
is also true for dual analyzer front-
Yes. You can use an external con-
troller or you can use the Agilent
81200's built-in PC as a controller. A
GPIB (IEEE 488.2) interface is
already installed on the Agilent 81200
system controller. You will however,
need to install controller software
such as VEE, Agilent HP-BASIC or C.
Upgrading an existing Agilent
81200 data generator/analyzer
The Agilent 81200 Data Generator/
Analyzer Platform can be extended or
adapted as needed. Front-ends, mod-
ules and expander frames can be
added at any time. Orders for individ-
ual units are supplied with the instal-
lation instructions.
Data generator/analyzer
Example for 16 channels
• Agilent E4849B mainframe
• Option 001 display and entry
• Agilent E4805A clock module
• 4 Agilent E4841A modules
• 8 Agilent E4843A front-ends
• 8 Agilent E4844A front-ends
If more than two channels are needed,
add one or two Agilent E4841A mod-
ules with up to four front-ends each.
For data rates below 200 Mbit/s
(NRZ) the Agilent E4846A dual-out-
put front-end can be used instead of
the Agilent E4838A. This can econo-
mize on the number of front-ends and
modules required.
With the above configuration, eight
data generator channels and eight
analyzer channels are provided. Other
mixes are feasible, as the Agilent
E4841A can accept any mix of front-
User software upgrades
For data rates up to 660 MHz, the
Agilent E4843A front-ends should be
Revisions and enhancements to the
user software will be available from
time-to-time on CD-ROM, for which
an external CD drive is needed such
as the Agilent E4840A/49B Opt 008.
The operating system should not be
upgraded because the user software
is specified for operation on Windows
NT Rev 4.0 US-English localization.
Data generators
Similar to those of the pulse/pattern
generators, additional requirements are:
Note however, that all front-ends
within a module have the same
sequence. Thus, when connecting to
I/O ports (where analysis must take
place at a different time from data
generation), the generator front-ends
should use different Agilent E4841A
modules to the analyzer front-ends.
For more than eight channels, the
Agilent E4849B mainframe should be
ordered, instead of the Agilent
E4840A. For I/O applications where
there is not enough signal to drive
25Ω (that is the effective resistance of
a generator channel connected to an
Agilent E4844A or Agilent E4845A
analyzer front-end), the Agilent
• deep, segmentable, loopable
memory for generating many
• bus, control and clock signals from
a single source
Example configurations (for a "proprietary
Here are some example configura-
tions, providing an overall impression
of the scope of the Agilent 81200
Data Generator/Analyzer Platform.
Example for 20 channels
• Agilent E4849B mainframe
• Option 001 display and entry
• Agilent E4805A clock module
• 5 Agilent E4841A modules
• 20 Agilent E4838A front-ends
Clock generators, pulse/pattern
A single or multi-channel generator
• independent phase and duty cycle
• variable slopes
• frequency f and f/n simultaneously
• up to 660 MHz
E4847A analyzer front-end with selec-
table high-impedance should be used.
For data rates below 200 Mb/s, the
Agilent E4846A dual-output front-end
can be used instead of the Agilent
E4838A. This way, control channels
can be accommodated economically.
Example configuration
As an alternative to the display and
entry panel, a full-size monitor, key-
board and mouse can be ordered. See
figure 4 for details.
• Agilent E4840A three-slot mainframe
• Option 001 display and entry
• Agilent E4831A clock/data generator
• Two Agilent E4838A front-ends
• SMA cables (Agilent 15442A)
Product Description
Model Number Quantity
Agilent 81200 user software
upgrade to latest revision.
Agilent E4873A
Opt 001
Systems needing more than ten module
The Agilent E4849B mainframe can
be extended using the Agilent E4848B
expander frame. The maximum con-
figuration with one expander is:
3) Select the desired slot for your front-end:
Each module holds up to four front-
ends. Make use of the table on page 2
again and write the product number
(e.g. E4847A) the kind of front-end
you would like to have in the appro-
priate slot. Please note:
Steps to configure your own per-
sonal system:
1) Select the configuration sheets to fill out
• For configuration of the Agilent
E4840A Small mainframe, use the
configuration sheet on page III
• Agilent E4849B mainframe
• Option 001 display and entry panel
• Option 002 VXI extender module
• Agilent E4805A clock module
• 8 Agilent E4841A modules
• 32 front-ends, any mix
• Agilent E4848B expander frame
• Agilent E4805A clock module
• 11 Agilent E4841A modules
• 44 front-ends, any mix
• Configuring the Agilent E4849B
mainframe as a standalone system
(without the Agilent E4848B
Expander frames) use the sheet on
page V
• Module Agilent E4805A doesn’t
hold any front-ends
• Module Agilent E4831A holds only
two front-ends (only generator
front-ends) in the 3rd and 4th
front-end slot
• Configuring a system with more
than one frame, use the configura-
tion sheets on pages VII, IX and XI
• Module Agilent E4841A holds four
2) Select the desired slot for your module
On the 1st row of each sheet you can
mark with a cross, what kind of mod-
ule you want to have plugged into
which slot. For this task, make use of
the table on page 3 where you have
already entered your choice of mod-
ules and front-ends.
4) Check the power requirements
The maximum number of front-ends
for this configuration is 76.
Checking for power requirements for
each frame with the power require-
ment calculation table (MS Excel) is
useful, to be on the safe-side. The
power requirement spreadsheet can
be downloaded from:
All required connecting cables are
supplied with the above products.
SMA cables have to be ordered sepa-
Systems needing more than 19 module slots
A second expander frame can be con-
nected. The maximum configuration
with two expanders is 120 channels.
5) Fill out the Fax Cover Sheet on the next
page, and fax it together with the complet-
ed configuration sheets to the Fax number
on the cover sheet.
If in doubt, please contact your local
Agilent Technologies representative.
Please make sure that you specify
your Agilent order number on the fax
cover sheet, otherwise your personal
configuration requirement will not be
Cover Sheet
Agilent 81200 Configuration Guide
OFC/BVS Agilent Technologies GmbH,
Herrenberger Straße 130,
71034 Böblingen, Germany
Fax Number: +49 (7031) 464-6532
If you have problems with this fax, please contact:
+49 (7031) 464-7674
Sales representative:
Agilent order no. (mandatory):
Configuration Sheet: E4840A Small Frame
Please choose one of the front-
and write the product number
(e.g. E4837A) in the
appropriate slot
o n t - E n d 4
o n t - E n d 3
F r o n t - E n d 2
F r o n F t - r E n d 1
F r
o n t - E n d 4
o n t - E n d 3
F r o n t - E n d 2
F r o n F t - r E n d 1
F r
o n t - E n d 4
o n t - E n d 3
F r o n t - E n d 2
F r o n F t - r E n d 1
F r
o n t - E n d 4
o n t - E n d 3
F r o n t - E n d 2
F r o n F t - r E n d 1
F r
Agilent Technologies’ Test and Measurement
Support, Services, and Assistance
Related Literature
Pub. Number
Agilent Technologies aims to maximize
the value you receive, while minimizing
your risk and problems. We strive to
ensure that you get the test and measure-
ment capabilities you paid for and obtain
the support you need. Our extensive sup-
port resources and services can help you
choose the right Agilent products for your
applications and apply them successfully.
Every instrument and system we sell has
a global warranty. Support is available
for at least five years beyond the produc-
tion life of the product. Two concepts
underlie Agilent’s overall support policy:
“Our Promise” and “Your Advantage.”
• Agilent 81200 Data Generator/Analyzer Platform,
• Agilent 81200 Data Generator/Analyzer Platform,
data sheet specifications
• Agilent E4874A Characterization Software
Components, data sheet
Our Promise
• Agilent E4839A Test Fixture, data sheet
“Our Promise” means your Agilent test
and measurement equipment will meet its
advertised performance and functionality.
When you are choosing new equipment,
we will help you with product informa-
tion, including realistic performance spec-
ifications and practical recommendations
from experienced test engineers. When
you use Agilent equipment, we can verify
that it works properly, help with product
operation, and provide basic measure-
ment assistance for the use of specified
capabilities, at no extra cost upon
request. Many self-help tools are avail-
• BestLink/81200 Simulation Data Link for the Agilent
81200 Data Generator/Analyzer Platform, product
• Data transfer between Design, Simulation and the
Agilent 81200, product note
• Flat Panel Display Link Test,
Your Advantage
product note
“Your Advantage” means that Agilent
offers a wide range of additional expert
test and measurement services, which you
can purchase according to your unique
technical and business needs. Solve prob-
lems efficiently and gain a competitive
edge by contracting with us for calibration,
extra- cost upgrades, out-of-warranty
repairs, and on-site education and train-
ing, as well
For more information, please visit us at:
as design, system integration, project
management, and other professional serv-
ices. Experienced Agilent engineers and
technicians worldwide can help you maxi-
mize your productivity, optimize the
return on investment of your Agilent
instruments and systems, and obtain
dependable measurement accuracy for the
life of those products.
Get assistance with all your
test and measurement needs at:
Or check your local phone book for the
Agilent office near you.
Product specifications and descriptions in
this document subject to change without notice.
Copyright © 1999, 2000 Agilent Technologies
Printed in U.S.A. 5/00
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